Micro Farm Coop Worklog [UPDATE: SHINGLES ON - PAGE 27]

Hi....my name is Cheep a'lil Talk a'lil ...and I'm a... BYC procrastinator.

I've been "researching" my coop now for um...EVER!!

But I did get some work done. I finished enclosing the coop, painted it and started on the trim. That was three days work, I'm in the groove

So DarkWolf, I love the idea of your run being in sections so you can move it around. How will you brace them when you have them up?
Plan is to have it bolted to the coop, needless to say. Also thinking of having panels bolted along the top for a chicken wire roof.. Part of it I'm planning on covering with corrugated plastic to keep the bulk of it dry.
Spent some time tonight working on the community nest box and have it just about done. All I've got to do is fix a lid for it and get it mounted and sealed.

Trying to figure out just how I want to do that.
If it was an inside one, it would have been done by now..

Tis an outside box, so needs more care in construction. Here's an [old] picture of the opening.


I'll toss a picture of the box up later today.
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REPOST FROM A DIFF THREAD.. Save myself some writing:

Just got this much done yesterday night. It's not mounted yet, just setting in place. I've got to place a lid onto it and get it sealed and painted. Make it as such so that it's removable, in the event that I want to change it to an inside box or other layout. Will make my life easier in the future should that need arise.

The layout is a community nest box, so no dividers. It's 42" wide, so if divided there will be a little over 12" per three boxes. I wanted to try the community nest style first though.

The opening into the coop will be covered with a dark curtain with a single opening at the center. A bar will be mounted in front of the box so that they can hop up onto it and then enter the nest.

Argh.. The motor on the table saw just locked up while I was in mid cut finishing off the nestbox lid. This bites.

Going to break it down and see if I can't get it working again.

EDIT: It's dead.. There was a wad of something stuck to the armature.. Looked like melted plastic from somewhere. Got that off, but the windings were fried. Bah.
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I know it..
Still trying to balance out where the $$$ will be piped from to get a good table saw. Maybe I should just get another cheap one and burn through it in a year.

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