Micro Farm Coop Worklog [UPDATE: SHINGLES ON - PAGE 27]

Went out to check the coop this morning.. Apparently the tarp slipped and eased up enough to let tons of rain in the left side.

Since I was going to paint the floor soon, this sucks worse than normal. I went ahead and scooped all the pine shavings out, which was only about a 1/4" so the poo did not stick to the floor. Then I set a fan up, facing down and on high to dry out the spot. Considering the humidity outside though, not sure how long it will take to dry.

It's really wet right here, to the point where I can swipe my hand across the floor and swish the water away.

Another shot.. It ran down the wall as well, but I'm not so worried about it.

Here are the end rafters for the south side. All nailed together and ready to set in place.

Up in the loft there is a fair amount of water pooled.. No biggy though.. It can dry of it's own accord.

Thought I'd toss a picture ip of the bracing and lesser rafter.. I just toe nailed those rafters close to the main end one and also face nailed it through the top.

The main [8] support rafters all have hanging hardware on them however. Those are pricey little things @ 4.50ea, per side.

The helper yet again, taunting me while I was up on the ladder... I swear she was chanting "Jump! Jump! Jump!"... Darn dog.
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LOL.. I know how that is... We've been trying to get the garden out for almost two weeks now.. Just can't get past the rain.

I'm hoping for a three day dry time so I can get it tilled and planted in a day..

The coop will be fine through all the rain, so long as the tarp stays put.. I should have checked it better to make sure it wouldn't slip after I finished working on it yesterday.
So sorry to see you got so much rain, and so wet.

Hoping things dry out for you over the next few days! Ann, yes (insert groan), the garden is sooo behind...

My Dh and I are enjoying following your progress. Your coop is going to be amazing!

We have alot of rain, too, and it's been hampering my DH's work on our first coop.That and the awesome NHL Playoffs with our very own Canucks doing so well!!!
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We have been in the swamp ourselves and all my coop planning is just chilling out. My Dad is working on his garden between torrents of rain. Luckily I got mine out before it started. He swears he is going to load the shotgun with seeds and just shoot at the garden.
Actually wasn't that much rain last night.. Just a bad tarping job.. Today will be the real rain.. Power's already gone out three times and the weather alarm won't shut up.. Tempted to unplug it.

Glad that you're enjoying following along.. Makes me glad that people are enjoying it almost as much as I am.

Maybe if we're all lucky the rain will let up enough to get things finished. I reaaaaally need to move on to other projects.

I hadn't watched an NHL game in years.. Since I moved from PA.. Always used to watch the Penguins play when ever I could. Back then Mario Lemieux and Wayne Gretzky were the hot tickets in Pittsburgh.. Needless to say, no hockey down here in Kentucky..

emmalynn: That's a good idea with the shotgun.. Think I'd use a slingshot for the cushaw though.
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Ok, so I have to say thank you, cause I just loved reading through you'r posts. I'm gonna subscribe to this thread because the suspence is killing me!!! I have a barn in progress and am still awaiting the hubby to finish it... It's been nine months... so I think I'll start working on it myself!
I'm not too terribly handy with the nailing, but I can try!
I like the saying "Whcih came first the Chicken or the Coop?" Like most I'm the type that the chicken comes first but for the first time in my life I refrained
Still can't believe it! We are going to be gone for a month this summer and I don't want the chickens to become unsocial. That and I don't trust my husband to tend to them. He will have enough with the dogs, fish, cats and bird. Which he normally does not deal with so I'm afraid he will forget.

I didn't know that tomato vines wern't good for chickens. And what are nightshades? Its probably good that I don't have my chickens yet, still learning!
My dad told me to never open my skylights - they'll leak forever more. Well, I did last year...he was right.

So, I think the idea of a skylight for lighting is ok, just not one that opens for ventilation.

Great thread btw, love the pooch. Understand the rain here too. That floor will take quite a while to dry properly wont it? Or else your paint will peel up? (I have terrible luck with painting outside - it never lasts and always flakes- someone said there's a paint for applying in colder outdoor temps at walmart) Is there a paint that adheres better in humid conditions? We used oil based polyurethane (years ago) on our shed floor. I also have some linoleum remnants. Maybe skip the paint and go with linoleum?

oh, btw
Go Penguins. (for my family in Plum Pa) I don't even know how they are/did doing.
I do know that steelers won the superbowl tho....arrrgghhhh.

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