Micro Farm Coop Worklog [UPDATE: SHINGLES ON - PAGE 27]

Cheep a'lil Talk a'lil :

My problem is fencing, I want a huge garden, but I also have to figure out how I'm going to keep the elk out. Sort of a problem when they jump ove a 6' tall fence with no problem.

Hey Cheap,

We have moose here, they can get over almost any fence a person would have in a yard. I didn't garden this year either due to travel, but a co-worker is a master gardner. She ordered a bag of garlic spikes that she hung around her yard and they kept the moose out of her yard.

They were really strong smelling when they came in the mail, she brought the whole bag in to show us what she was using. But I can not smell them when I'm relaxing and enjoying in her yard.

If you're interested I can ask her where she ordered them from.

Hey Cheap,

We have moose here, they can get over almost any fence a person would have in a yard. I didn't garden this year either due to travel, but a co-worker is a master gardner. She ordered a bag of garlic spikes that she hung around her yard and they kept the moose out of her yard.

They were really strong smelling when they came in the mail, she brought the whole bag in to show us what she was using. But I can not smell them when I'm relaxing and enjoying in her yard.

If you're interested I can ask her where she ordered them from.


That'd be great! Anything to keep the elk at bay!
Well, could always go with an 8' fence..

Well.. Got tired of them roosting in the storage loft so I clipped the new ones wings and broke out the sewing machine. Got several yard of heavy fabric dirt cheap to use in the coop just for a screen so I thought it time to put one up.

Seem to be getting a good quantity of eggs per day. Average is five eggs a day, but yesterday was six. The sex-links are laying one egg a day like clockwork.. The barred rock is usually every other day with only one laying yet.

Hen house is starting to stink, but I really think the issue is with the newbies roosting in the loft. Alot of poo up there now. I'll give it a few days to dry out and scrape it away, then put down another third bag of shavings in the coop to top dress it.

Hoping that the weather is nice this weekend as I want to get the roof done.. Or at least the bulk of it.
We've thought of that, but if it isn't chain link they will just stomp it down.

Is that the usual for a barred rock, every other day? I want to make sure that the breeds I get lay everyday. With eight in the family we fly through eggs!
Do you find that they all seem to lay at a certain time of day or are they each on their own schedual?
Cheep a'lil Talk a'lil :

Is that the usual for a barred rock, every other day? I want to make sure that the breeds I get lay everyday. With eight in the family we fly through eggs!
Do you find that they all seem to lay at a certain time of day or are they each on their own schedual?

No clue..

Been thrilled with the red sex-links.. They started laying very early and so far have not missed a day.

Seems like the eggs are all laid before 2pm.. 3pm max. They start around noon.​
Cheep a'lil Talk a'lil :

Hey Cheap,

We have moose here, they can get over almost any fence a person would have in a yard. I didn't garden this year either due to travel, but a co-worker is a master gardner. She ordered a bag of garlic spikes that she hung around her yard and they kept the moose out of her yard.

They were really strong smelling when they came in the mail, she brought the whole bag in to show us what she was using. But I can not smell them when I'm relaxing and enjoying in her yard.

If you're interested I can ask her where she ordered them from.


That'd be great! Anything to keep the elk at bay!​

Here's the link. She hung them like ornaments in her apple trees and around her perimeter fence and the moose have been spotted in the neighbors yards but have avoided hers. Her apple trees are bursting with ripening apples and when I stand near the trees I can smell the apples but not the garlic.


Note: Another co-worker used the same product but used them more sparingly (told us he was too lazy to hang more of them) and the moose were not detered. He hung one in some of his trees and a couple around the garden (It's a rather large garden) but none around the horse and cattle feeders.

Moral of the story, if you're gonna do it, do it right.
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Spent the first part of the day getting the roof in order and ready to shingle. The one side was a breeze.. The back side, however, was a bit harder since the run was in place. It was difficult to position the extension ladder to allow me to safely maneuver the strips of tar paper into place and tack them down. I ended up doing the last strip at the top from the OTHER side, hanging over the peek of the roof and tacking it in place from there.


I've got a few waves in the tar paper which may translate through the shingles a TAD when they're down. I'd have rather it was totally flat, but it's hard working by yourself and the fact that the roof is such a steep pitch didn't make it any easier what-so-ever.


Shot from the front side showing the whole coop. I'll be so happy once it's DONE.. But still alot to do. Got to shingle, make windows, cut trim, nail it all up, paint it and then call it a day.. Well.. Unless anything else might need done that I'm not thinking of right now.


Shot from the back side behind the run.


Figured I'd toss in a picture of the eggs for the day. They're laying on average 6 eggs a day. Out of 9 birds of laying age, or close to it, that's not bad... Not sure who is not laying yet.. Think three of the sex links, and for sure the three newbies, who make the total 12 hens.

Woot.. It's a chicken throw down! Let's see what ya got, eh..

Come on now.. Bring it.. Bring it!

Else I'm resigning as president and assigning you the BYCPA leader... :p
Dark Wolf...I was lovin you for a while. "Panels for the run" I thought. "What a great idea! Easy to remove for repairs, easy to expand upon..." Lord! After a week of building run panels...nailing frames, hammering on wire...cursing your name occasionally (lol)... I was actually relieved when our Paslode went down yesterday. Part is on order...two day rest from panels.

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