Midget White incubation time different?


13 Years
May 30, 2007
I was wondering if anyone else's midget white turkeys have an incubation time of 24 days instead of 28? My babies always arrive what I understand to be under the average turkey incubation duration of 28 days. My temps are perfect and my babies hatch on their own with no problems.
They sure will! I find them riding my turners if I don't put them into the hatcher on day 22 just to be safe. They will hatch just fine at 35-40% humidity. What rebels! Their hatch time ranges from day 23 to day 25 at the latest. So far this year, I have a 95-100% hatch rate with these babies. They hatched early for me last year, but not THIS early. The only thing different this year is I have a different tom. He must be carrying some "quick-grow" genes or something. LOL
Do you ever put any other kind of turkey or guinea eggs in at the same time to see what happens? I have never hatcher MW's but it sounds like your temp is running a couple degs high. Your thermo could be off a deg or two. The other thing is if you leave them in the nesting boxes 2 or 3 days and a hen sits them, the incubation will start before you put them in the bator. Maybe somebody with MW experence will chime in.
I always have chicken eggs in there at the same time. Those hatch in the normal range. I don't have any other breed of turkey to test. I have more than one incubator, too, and it's always the same thing.

I don't let my hens hatch out eggs but maybe I will let them do it this year just to see if there is a difference. I'll wait for a broody hen and see what happens!
I have not noticed any difference in my MW, than any other turkey eggs. I get some to hatch early and even some late ones. I never had them at 25 days. Are your eggs collected fresh?
The eggs I set are up to 5 days old. I have no idea what is going on this year. The first hatch I thought it was a fluke....but it keeps happening. Who knows? LOL
Ours hatch between day 27 and 29. No "early birds" as it were. Really happy with my 95% hatch rate.

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