Midget White Turkey!


11 Years
Apr 1, 2008
Any info on this breed would be GREAT!
We want to try turkeys. We live in the city. We have chickens and ducks and quail on a XL double lot.
This turkey seems to fit and be able to do fine.

We want a hen, no toms.

Sound/noise level from a hen?
I have read that they should not be kept with chickens and ducks due to some disease.
I have read that people keep them all together, no issues.

I don't want to start a controversy on here, just want to know if you have this breed....esp. in city and does it live with chickens and ducks and do ok?

23 chickens 20 turkey's I have all free range together no diseases my hens make loud noises sometimes not very often but they cluck hard to when they r trying to find each other but not as hard as my toms you should be fine they are no louder then ducks.
Well, we got 2 poults. Drove 2 hours to get them but we did. I think it is a hen and a tom, but they are only 9 weeks old. One is larger.
They are residing in what was the rabbit pen for right now. They can see chickens through the shared chain link and next weekend, we will combine them.

Kinda hoping that they stay quieter since we are raising them from babies.... we will see. Another poultry venture for us! :D
Well, we got 2 poults. Drove 2 hours to get them but we did. I think it is a hen and a tom, but they are only 9 weeks old. One is larger.

They are residing in what was the rabbit pen for right now. They can see chickens through the shared chain link and next weekend, we will combine them. 

Kinda hoping that they stay quieter since we are raising them from babies.... we will see. Another poultry venture for us! :D

That's awesome!! We just got a few last February and this weekend I'm expecting our 1st hatch! Our hen is sitting on 10 eggs.
So far, they are GREAT! Now in chicken pen. Spent the weekend free ranging in the yard together. No issues. We trimmed a wing on each. They can still roost but not fly away hopefully.

I do childcare so names are Yeti and Bob Goblin.

They are so cute. Can't wait until hopefully they get more personable.
I have been raising Midget Whites for a while. A few hens wouldn't make much noise, but a large group can be rather loud. They have been easy to work with and I have not had any major problems with them. The hens started laying well before the rest of the breeds, at the beginning of February. I have them in pens next to chickens and ducks. They are allowed to free range some during the day and stay close to their pen. Hope this helps.

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