Midwinter's Bath - Way too many pictures, don't click here if you don't want to see ducks.

Well, it looks like this was already answered soooo, instead I will go through the rest of the flock since it has been a while and all their names have "reasons"

Our first two ducks were our Rouen girls.  At the time, they were our only two ducks and we were very new to this so we named them for what ducks do:


These became Tella, and Ettie as we cleaned up the language.

From first brood, we have the following ducks:
Kaine - He is our Rouen Drake and he has the green Mallard head so his head is what has been traditionally used for the ball of a walking cane and he was named after that.  It was a complete coincidence that he is always raising Cain.
Tevye - He is our White Crested boy.  I thought his poof looked like a Russian Ushanka and for a Russian name, Boris seemed too "stereotypical" so I took a leap and took his name from the character in "Fiddler on the Roof" which takes place in Russia.  Somehow, he very much fits into that name.  If you don't know what I mean, you should watch the movie with Topol as Tevye.
Rhiannan - She is a Welsh Harlequin and Rhiannan is Welsh for Great Queen.
Pocahontas - She is a Cayuga.  They are named for the NY County which is in turn named for the Native American People of the Iroquois Nation.  Pocahontas was a Native American (no not Iroquois, I know).
Greta - She is our Black Swedish - Greta Garbo was a Swedish actress from Black and White films.
Roxette - She is our Blue Swedish - Roxette is a Swedish Band: Dangerous, Joy Ride, Listen to your Heart.
Dove - She is our Chocolate Runner - MMMMmmm Chocolate.
Entie - She is our Fawn & White Runner - First thought was Bambi, but Bambi was a boy, his girlfriend was named Faline and NOBODY would make that association but nothing else came to mind.  Finally, my brain cracked and I went the simple way.  A friend of ours once named their dog Diogee for D.O.G.  Well after having spent 10 years in Germany, I thought: The German word for duck is Ente, it would sound more like a girl's name if we put the eeeeee sound on the end instead of the "uh" sound it normally has so I slipped an "i" into the word and Entie was born.  Don't worry we get tongue tangled over Entie vs Ettie ourselves but it's not like we got to pick their names...... Oh, I guess we did.

Also from our first brood were three that didn't make it but I refuse to ever let them out of my mind or heart so they will be included here too.
Ebony was our Black Runner named after the hardwood.
Belle was our Blue Runner named after the Blue Bell Flower.  They were both killed in a raccoon attack that taught us about the level of defenses we needed.
Snow was our Pekin named for Snow White.  We lost her due to an automatic door malfunction where she wasn't let out of her house on a very hot day.  We were only lucky that we didn't lose our whole flock.  That taught us to never fully trust gizmos.  It is OUR job to take care of the ducks.

Since then we added a few more ducks.
Mystique - She is our Blue Runner - named after the blue girl in the X-men franchise by one of our nieces.
Noir - She is our Black Runner - Noir is French for black.
Allie - She is our Pekin - Allie is short for Alabaster which is a soft, white mineral.
Latte - She is our Buff duck - And she is about the color of a latte.

So Casey is not alone having an unusual duck name.
I loved reading this. Very creative and cool there's a story behind each name.
It's OK Tony. You have a nice singing voice and it kept Casey captivated and mellow.
Secret: It helps to have meal worms on your breath...
Ok, I actually let the phone record a little longer than the clip I posted and when I went through it, I thought I would share this frame. This shows how trusting a full grown outdoor duck (not every one) can be when you spend a lot of time with them. Granted she has been in the house for a while, but she is still an outdoor duck at heart.

Ok, I actually let the phone record a little longer than the clip I posted and when I went through it, I thought I would share this frame. This shows how trusting a full grown outdoor duck (not every one) can be when you spend a lot of time with them. Granted she has been in the house for a while, but she is still an outdoor duck at heart.
:love My Chrissy gurl is like that. I just adore her.... It's amazing how trusting they get.

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