Milk Crates for Nest Boxes?

Ooh, very useful to know. I need some simple solutions like this!
Thank you for the picture too, it's good to see it.
Thanks so much for the picture! This is a great idea for quick and easy set up that will work for my novice contruction skills!
Like another poster stated I just nailed mine to the wall right side up with a piece of card board in the bottom to hold the nest material in and have a few things for the girls to jump on to get up there and they love them. They seem to like the red or green ones the best!!
Milk crates make great nest boxes.....

BUT..... it is the milk company's property if the company name is anywhere on it. A lot of stores have cameras in the back now to prevent theft and/or catch people who steal them. Because those things are expensive and the losses contribute to higher prices.

How do I know? One, most crates say on them that they belong to such and such a company, and two, I got chewed out by a dairy distributor for trying to take some!

You can buy the same type plastic box at WalMart or K-Mart.

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