Milk Crates for Nest Boxes?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 27, 2010
If I take plastic milk crates and cover all side but the bottom will the big enough ie. Deep enough for chickens or should I just build nest boxes and get it over with?
I have no idea- but it sounds like a good idea- it's possible if you get a dark crate and just put something on the bottom to make a lip and put hay in it, if it's in an isolated enough place, the hens might go for it. Drape a towel over it? Hmmmm. . . .you got me thinking. I have three chickens in my horse barn and they keep making a nest in the hay. . .. .
All you have to do is lay the milk crate on its side and put a little "bumper" to hold in the straw and BAM nest box
I use milk crates too! They work just fine sitting up. They seem to like it raised so I tacked some in the wall with nails and some I stacked. They use both.
All we did was build a bench with a lip on the front, and lined the boxes up. Works like a charm, and our big Cochins fit in them just fine.
OK, and so, with the milk crates stacked, do the chickens need a roosting pole of some kind attached to the front of it to successfully get into it? Sorry, I'm new at this. I also have read attaching this pole out front of the box also helps keep the nesting box more free of poop. Is this true?
We found a lot of milk crates on the side of the road several years ago and finally found a use for them. As hen nests. We put about a 4 inch board the width of the front to hold in the eggs and straw and nail it to the sides then nail the bottom of the crate to a piece of plywood a little wider and longer than the crate so it sticks out about 6 in. in the front. At the hardware store we bought a pkg. of camoflagued burlap and covered the sides, top and back. Gives them privacey and ventilation. One pkg. coveres several nests. you can nail into these crates easy.
Pardon the messy coop. Its finally warm enough to muck out after a long cold yucky winter, and we started yesterday.

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