You are welcome, Dustin. I've read it a hundred times and still don't *get* modify-ers. (edit: modifiers?, not modifers).
I wish Glenda was still here in SC, it would be delightful to talk to her in person.

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Dipsy Doodle Doo, thanks so much for that link! It talks about modifiers and I was right, frizzle is affected by modifiers, just the exact opposite of what I thought though. The site says that most breeds of chickens have modifiers that MASK the frizzle gene, that you can sometimes see it when they are young, but the modifier kicks in and the feathers straigten out as the bird molts a few times and it is barley noticeable as an adult. I suspect I have a copper black marans rooster with this exact genetic makeup. Look at him as a baby, a couple weeks old. You can CLEARLY see that his feathers look like they want to frizzle, but in the second photo, of him as a young adult, he looks normal. Only a person who knew, pulled his wing out and carefully examined the wing tips would know what it was. I told the breeder I got the eggs from, and she asked the breeder she got them from, and he said it was "probably a metabolic problem" that they outgrow, and suggested strongly that I cull the bird. I was disappointed when the bird grew out non-frizzled. After reading that article, i believe he IS a frizzle, but has modifiers that masks the frizzle gene? Anyone want a frizzled copper black roo, with modifiers? First fifty bucks takes him. Shipping extra.

Here he is as a baby...

and here he is at three or so months old.

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