Mind if I ask?

Robin'sBrood :


looks like you've failed that one!
I'm not calling them resolutions I'm calling it a plan

1. Join the local art society in Jan so I get the whole 12 mths
2. I'm going vegan except my eggs, doing it for health reasons so you people who eat meat and drink milk have a big ole steak and glass of milk for me.
3. be more productive in my studio,I've been lazy the last year
4.get off my cholesterol meds
Give up coffee- I started before New Years and it has been 6 days since I last had a cup

Make a Light Sussex breeding flock and start a small business selling fertile eggs online
Oh please try our area. We really, really need more good teachers around here.

Forgot to add my list.

1. Get my work ethic back to where it was not too long ago.
2. Start caring about my appearance more (started this late 2009).
3. Lose 5 - 10 more pounds, but gain muscle.
4. Learn to can food.
5. Payoff CC this year
6. Save more money
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