
Forgive me...

Our "nicest" rooster was the friendliest and could tell right away he was the leader. He might have pecked...realizing I was the food lady and "asking" me for food when he was young. He always came right over to me when I put my hand in the brooder. So it went with our bunch. The first we culled was the most skiddish with us...but he was a serial pullet rapist. The hens HATED him. They gravitated to Mr. Friendly. So there are two things to look at really I guess. One skiddish of me. Would never attack me....but HORRIBLE with the hens. And then Friendliness to you and to Hens. A little bit of spunk good for free ranging. To me those are good rooster attributes.

Good idea on trying to meld the broody with a couple of chicks. I know I wasn't successful getting Dixie to take chicks. But she was off the nest for a week with the ones she hatched when we tried adding in a couple more.

Serial pullet rapist? Ha hah! Thanks for the laugh! And you made an excellent point....It is true....I'm the food lady. Never thought of that. I asked DH if I could keep them all. Yep, I got THAT look. Needless to say, it won't be happening. Lol
What do all of you use on the floor of your coops for the winter? I have been using shavings, but I am thinking about switching to sand. If that is a good idea, how deep of sand do you have? 3",4"??

IMHO, I think sand would be too cold. I use pine shavings. But my coop is up off the ground so I figure they need a layer to keep them warmer.

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