
Talking about truck gas mileage... Already stopping for gas haha

Ford don't put nearly a large enough tank in the f150 with the 5.3 the range is poor

Plus crossing 90 in Wisconsin is desolate. Nowhere to stop until you hit the dells unless you want to drive out to a little town

Awwwww... He misses us already :)
Isn't there something like 2 1/2 bars for every man, woman and child in Wisconsin? Funny little state. Gotta love it.

Ralphie I love your coffee and Mike's counter on the bottom of you page. Is it a running calculator thingy? If so the counter on the Mike's might be broken. I had two Mike's last night. Kinda good with the Chicken Dumpling soup.
Share your recipe?

You bet Banties: And for all my Minnesota Peeps too.

In a large soup pot, cut a whole chicken (or a package of thighs--cheaper) in pieces cover with water and boil until meat is cooked through, skim off the boiled blood that rises to the top. Remove meat and allow to cool. Add Teaspoon of pepper, two chicken bullion cubes. Add a whole chopped onion, peeled and sliced carrots, 3 stalks of celery chopped. Four potatoes peeled and cubed. Add to the chicken broth you've made. Start peeling the meat off the chicken bones removing fat and tearing into bite size pieces. Cook this through until the carrots and potatoes are soft.

Now for the Dumplings:

2 cups all purpose Flour
1 tsp of salt
2 eggs
Blend all together.

Then add milk until the dough is the consistency of thick oatmeal. Teaspoon in dough to the soup. When the dumplings are all floating to the top it's basically done. Also to be honest in this house I should be making a batch and a half of the dumplings. Because they get fished out and eaten pretty fast.
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You bet Banties:  And for all my Minnesota Peeps too.

In a large soup pot, cut a whole chicken (or a package of thighs--cheaper) in pieces cover with water and boil until meat is cooked through, skim off the boiled blood that rises to the top.  Removed meat and allow to cool.  Add Teaspoon of pepper, two chicken bullion cubes. Add a whole chopped onion, peeled and sliced carrots, 3 stalks of celery chopped.  Four potatoes peeled and cubed. Add to the chicken broth you've made.   Start peeling the meat off the chicken bones removing fat and tearing into bite size pieces. Cook this through until the carrots and potatoes are soft.

Now for the Dumplings:

2 cups all purpose Flour
1 tsp of salt
2 eggs
Blend all together.

Then add milk until the dough is the consistency of thick oatmeal.  Teaspoon in dough to the soup.   When the dumplings are all floating to the top it's basically done.  Also to be honest in this house I should be making a batch and a half of the dumplings.  Because they get fished out and eaten pretty fast.

I might have to do that next week. especially if I decide to send some toads to camp. I have a feeling they are going to real flavorfull beings a meat/dual cross and over 20 weeks old now.

My normal soup is throw a chicken or left overs in a pot add "stuff" boil and feed to Judy, let her pick out the bone pieces..
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Oh she'll like the recipe Ralphie, I'm sure. This one is tried and true. My Mother made it for us kids and I think she learned it from her MIL. My kids are watching me make it now. I'm sure it will go on down the line.

Also you may want to salt the water a bit when boiling the chicken up.
Oh gee! I almost forgot to tell you all. My Sylvia (Summer molter) is molting again! This is a weird one. She lost her tail and quite a few body feathers in July. She was looking great by Middle August. Now I see her head is a mess of blood feathers (those maybe didn't molt in July) but her tail is gone again! Wow. I wonder as I'm typing this if she's ill. Although she does not act like it. She's an older hen going on 4. IDK what to think. She's tough as nails. Maybe she is getting in more of a winterized feather as the ones developed in Summer wouldn't be as warm?....LOL. totally throwing out random ideas or reasons.

Minnie? @Minniechickmama Have you seen that?
Good morning all! @lalaland congrats on the new granddaughter, how wonderful and exciting! Enjoy that baby.

I have one in mid molt and one that just started. 2 others that dropped a few feathers, so who knows what they'll end up doing. The one in mid molt right now, molted last year, but a little later, she was all half naked in January, @Minniechickmama she was only 6 months old at the time. But she was ill right before that so I think that may have triggered it, is that possible? Or just a coincidence?
I am scratching my head too about some of what I am seeing. It is getting sort of crazy this year.

*deep heavy sigh*

My punishment for joining a breed exclusive FB page is encountering haughty breed snobs. Bloody hell. Just was kicked in the female version of testicles.
You think they are bad here? Try joining an actual breed club!!! Especially if those breeds have more than one club. That happens when there are too many egos vying for leader or resident expert on the breed. Just left one this Spring myself and I am very hesitant about joining any others because of that. One person gets mad at the club and starts a new one and bad-mouths the other and then you have a flame war going on from there on out. You would think you were in middle school again.

Talking about truck gas mileage... Already stopping for gas haha

Ford don't put nearly a large enough tank in the f150 with the 5.3 the range is poor

Plus crossing 90 in Wisconsin is desolate. Nowhere to stop until you hit the dells unless you want to drive out to a little town
And take your own music to play because you KNOW you aren't getting anything on the radio except those religious stations, unless you are into that sort of listening on the road.

You bet Banties: And for all my Minnesota Peeps too.

In a large soup pot, cut a whole chicken (or a package of thighs--cheaper) in pieces cover with water and boil until meat is cooked through, skim off the boiled blood that rises to the top. Remove meat and allow to cool. Add Teaspoon of pepper, two chicken bullion cubes. Add a whole chopped onion, peeled and sliced carrots, 3 stalks of celery chopped. Four potatoes peeled and cubed. Add to the chicken broth you've made. Start peeling the meat off the chicken bones removing fat and tearing into bite size pieces. Cook this through until the carrots and potatoes are soft.

Now for the Dumplings:

2 cups all purpose Flour
1 tsp of salt
2 eggs
Blend all together.

Then add milk until the dough is the consistency of thick oatmeal. Teaspoon in dough to the soup. When the dumplings are all floating to the top it's basically done. Also to be honest in this house I should be making a batch and a half of the dumplings. Because they get fished out and eaten pretty fast.
Have you ever just tried using homemade chicken stock instead of water to start?

Oh gee! I almost forgot to tell you all. My Sylvia (Summer molter) is molting again! This is a weird one. She lost her tail and quite a few body feathers in July. She was looking great by Middle August. Now I see her head is a mess of blood feathers (those maybe didn't molt in July) but her tail is gone again! Wow. I wonder as I'm typing this if she's ill. Although she does not act like it. She's an older hen going on 4. IDK what to think. She's tough as nails. Maybe she is getting in more of a winterized feather as the ones developed in Summer wouldn't be as warm?....LOL. totally throwing out random ideas or reasons.

Minnie? @Minniechickmama Have you seen that?
This is the kind of crazy stuff I am talking about! Something strange is in the air this year. They will drop their tail feathers first, usually, when molting. I know I have been the only one with second molters, young molters, etc. I think this year's climate has something to do with it.
I made shrimp for dinner last night. I am not sure if it was the shrimp or the sauce I made with it, but I woke up with a very unhappy tummy today. Had to take kids to school, which was not part of my plan. I came home and was making a list of things I need to run and pick up for this fund raiser, and did some vacuuming. The phone rings, it is State Farm. Some very young guy starts telling me they are not paying for this bumper damage. I got a little POed, but I just said I wasn't going to talk about it further right now. I then called my agent and explained the whole thing to him. It is the other driver who's policy is supposed to cover this, but she is also with SF. So, of course, like we talked about, they are trying to keep every penny they can from going out. I then checked with the auto body guy and he said what they don't want to pay is the fiberglass cover for the bumper. I asked if it is salvageable and he said it probably is. SO, I called my agent again and told him I just want the da** thing to get in and be fixed, and I expect any damage that woman caused in hitting me to be paid by SF, period.
This is such BS, because you know those companies are making ridiculous amounts of money and their profits ALWAYS are going up, yet they screw their customers as hard and as often as they can. Greedy !)(#*%_#$*(@#$^)%)(&#$(@#&($*)(@#$)#(*%)&)#(*)@$(&)&%@#s!!!!!!! And the woman who hit me? She had to get a new radiator. One day in the shop and she is driving again. My van is still sitting here because I have to disconnect the battery every time I shut it off because the stupid lights won't shut off inside. Grrrrr!

All I want to do today is go back to bed.
That is after I
someone who desperately deserves it.
Maybe this has nothing to do with it. But maybe it does. We had such an early spring and such a mild fall. I just wonder if the temps, and such have an effect on the whole molt process. IDK. I know that a cold winter can make for an extra fluffy feather....You know what I mean? The birds are molting relatively well this year...I noted too. No sickies hanging back on the roost...well the BA was a little punk one or two days...but she's back at it spry as ever. The BLRW is really dropping and her fluff feathers are being pushed out and old ones off. She looks really bouffant right now back there. Nice dark gray fluff coming with the bleached feathers barely hanging on.

I got mobbed by them all this morning in the garage when I opened the door. They are so cute.
When I boil the chicken pieces first that's sort of making a chicken stock right away, right? Or do you mean boiling the meat in already made chicken stock? Double duty? LOL.
I have to say I do like the salty flavor of chicken bullion in my soups though too.

Minnie I hope you feel better soon. And shoot on the double duty state farm deal. I guess I would ask them if they'd like your business anymore or if they would like a complaint to the better business bureau or department of commerce...IDK...

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