
morning y'all

checking in -- how is everyone? how are all the fowl on the farms?

question of day
vaseline on combs that show frost bite? yea or nay?

is it spring yet? I am not looking forward to this next cold snap. ugh
If they already got frostbite, I say leave them alone. Others have a different approach, but that is mine.

I am in dance mom mode today. I have two pasta dishes to make and 5 loaves of garlic bread for 40. Every Friday night, the dance team does a "pasta feed" before their invitational the next day. This week is my turn to work on providing the food. Some moms can't make anything due to work or other obligations, so I signed up for more. Yes, I am crazy like that too. I baked a chicken last night that will go into one pasta dish for a chicken alfredo. The other is going to be meatless pasta with grape tomatoes, basil, oregano, olive oil, butter and cheese.

My cold is almost gone. I still have a little coughing going on and the schnoz needs blowing every little while, but feeling SO much better. DS is on day 2 of bed rest from his. I feel badly for him because he always gets more wrecked than anyone else in the house with this stuff.

You all enjoy the 'nice' day before the cold rolls back in tonight.
I havent been very good at showing you guys how my kittens are doing. They have moved out to my workshop where they have the run of the end of it. It has a pony wall that runs most of the width that I blocked the top of with chicken wire to keep them away from my tools. They have developed a habit of pushing anything sitting on a flat surface, off the said flat surface. I have a cat flap for them but have it blocked off. not sure i am ready for them to venture outdoors with this cold yet. I am kicking myself for not introducing them to the outdoors while it was still green outside.

I live in La Crescent across the river from La Crosse, WI. LTC is short for Lieutenant Colonel. I retired from the Army about 2 years ago. I was in the nurse corps.

Hey I have a question and I am afraid I already know the answer, but I have noticed some grayish coloring on the the top of my hen's "waddles"....I believe this is possible frostbite. I know, I know I should have used vasoline during the really cold days.

What is the fallout of this going to be, or possibly be??

I was just in La Crescent a few weeks ago for a hockey tournament. Fun little place. There's a sewage treatment plant we had to drive by a few times a day....that was not very appealing to the nose.


BTW- the ladies are not turned off by the new semi heating system in the nest box. 2 eggs today, but not a good testing of the coiled rope light as it was 30 degrees today. No frozen eggs, but they were not as cold as the air either.

Hope to learn more everyday on this site.


I've heard of some people using heating pads and seedling mats. I have a broody keeping all of my eggs warm. I love and hate her right now

A photographer that is doing a project came by and took some shots of us in the garage. What do you think?

Great pictures! Makes me want to fire up the bike and just go. We didn't get a chance to ride as much as we wanted to last year, so I'm hoping to make more time for it this year.
I havent been very good at showing you guys how my kittens are doing. They have moved out to my workshop where they have the run of the end of it. It has a pony wall that runs most of the width that I blocked the top of with chicken wire to keep them away from my tools. They have developed a habit of pushing anything sitting on a flat surface, off the said flat surface. I have a cat flap for them but have it blocked off. not sure i am ready for them to venture outdoors with this cold yet. I am kicking myself for not introducing them to the outdoors while it was still green outside.

Have you rehomed any? They sure grew up quick. That buff one is very cute!
Well, five broodies and six nesting boxes. There were major protests in the coop.

I pulled them all out and fenced them off outside. As long as I'm home today the coop is off limits.

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