

I have a hatch question. Yesterday was day 21, and 1 chick hatched. There were a total of 11 eggs. 8 more hatched today, and there is one with a pip that is trying to hatch, I think. There are two last eggs left with no pips and no movement. How long would you give those last two- to hatch? Tomorrow? The next day? Or is it pretty much a lost cause this late (day after hatch)? Thanks for any input!
Hello everyone! My chicks will be arriving at fleet in just under 2 weeks and I picked up some pine shavings and grower/starter feed for them today. Im thinking about what I can do to get ready for them; I have to wash their feeders and waterers, and put the pine shavings in the brooder and/or coop. I currently don't have any chickens and my coop is relatively draft free and I can easily put a heat lamp or 2 out there. The brooder box we made is in an insulated building(the pump house) and is about 2 1/2 ft square. Which would you choose to start them in and why?
I recently read an article about starting chicks out in the coop instead of in a brooder box where they don't have much space and have an instinctual flight response to hands swooping in from above like a bird of prey. Previously I haven't had very friendly chickens; they never came when called and I had to chase them down if I wanted to catch them. Not having to chase them around the yard would be nice.
Doesn't even halfway express my excitement.
Hey all, I have been a pile today.  Either picked up a stomach bug last night or food poisoning.  either way i havent made it too far from the bed or bathroom until just a bit ago.

I went out to lock up the girls tonight and had an interesting go of it.  I have 2 BA hens trying to play broody and then I picked up this egg from the nest box.  It has no shell and has some sort of a tail?  there was also an egg yolk in the nest with no noticeable white or shell.  have you ever seen anything like this?


Looks like sperm *laughing*


Got pics with both my roos today. Sadly the Cochin was attacked by my stupid turkey so he is in my room with lots of hugs, food and water. He is doing better. But the turkeys r going. I am so mad at that tom!




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