
Minnesotanice your going to have lots of babies! Did u seperate her from everyone?

I hope u get some little Muscovys from those eggs I gave u!:fl
I haven't separated her yet, which I need to. I think her eggs are on day 8....or 9....maybe 10....or 11. So bad of me. I bought another 10x10 dog type kennel for broody ducks and I think I'll toss my KCs in there, too. Caesar loves and harasses Cleo too much when she comes out to eat and bathe. The KCs don't bug her.

And yes, lots of babies I hope! I'd like to keep a few buffs if I get any.
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I was wondering where you have been @holm25 I hope all is well. I hope you got the forms I sent too.

Son is back in the hospital to get his medication adjusted so it has been chaotic here. It is just a slow road to getting him where he needs to be.

I hope the rain stops so we can all get our gardening in. I have trays of peppers and tomatoes, for every 10 chicks someone purchases, I will give away a pepper or tomato plant
I was wondering where you have been @holm25
 I hope all is well.  I hope you got the forms I sent too.

Son is back in the hospital to get his medication adjusted so it has been chaotic here.  It is just a slow road to getting him where he needs to be.

I hope the rain stops so we can all get our gardening in.  I have trays of peppers and tomatoes, for every 10 chicks someone purchases, I will give away a pepper or tomato plant :oops:

Its been pretty good here. 3 years ago last Tuesday my Grandma died so its rough. My Grandpa has a tough time with it still but is doing better. He goes back to what we were doing 3 years ago this week. From bringing Grandma home with Hospice to setting up a funeral the next day. But we are all doing pretty good. Just missing her...

I did get those forms! I have them hung up on the fridge!

We forgot our tomatoes out overnight a week or so ago and they are toast. Ugh... So much work put into them... But the peppers are doing amazing!

We need more rain here. We have gotten around 1½ inches the past few days.

Sorry to hear your son had to go back in! Hopefully things settle down for u soon.
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I haven't separated her yet, which I need to. I think her eggs are on day 8....or 9....maybe 10....or 11. So bad of me. I bought another 10x10 dog type kennel for broody ducks and I think I'll toss my KCs in there, too. Caesar loves and harasses Cleo too much when she comes out to eat and bathe. The KCs don't bug her.

And yes, lots of babies I hope! I'd like to keep a few buffs if I get any.

I hope they are being good for you. And the drake isnt being agressive is he? He was never agressive here but their temper can change in a flash!

I hope you get sone Buffs! There is a %33.33 chance of you getting buffs so you should get some! So if all eggs hatch u should get six buffs. But it doesnt even out like that all the time
I was wondering where you have been @holm25 I hope all is well. I hope you got the forms I sent too.

Son is back in the hospital to get his medication adjusted so it has been chaotic here. It is just a slow road to getting him where he needs to be.

I hope the rain stops so we can all get our gardening in. I have trays of peppers and tomatoes, for every 10 chicks someone purchases, I will give away a pepper or tomato plant

I hope he's able to get that balance soon.

Buy 10 get 1? You are trying to get me in trouble.

Its been pretty good here. 3 years ago last Tuesday my Grandma died so its rough. My Grandpa has a tough time with it still but is doing better. He goes back to what we were doing 3 years ago this week. From bringing Grandma home with Hospice to setting up a funeral the next day. But we are all doing pretty good. Just missing her...

I did get those forms! I have them hung up on the fridge!

We forgot our tomatoes out overnight a week or so ago and they are toast. Ugh... So much work put into them... But the peppers are doing amazing!

We need more rain here. We have gotten around 1½ inches the past few days.

Sorry to hear your son had to go back in! Hopefully things settle down for u soon.
I hope they are being good for you. And the drake isnt being agressive is he? He was never agressive here but their temper can change in a flash!

I hope you get sone Buffs! There is a %33.33 chance of you getting buffs so you should get some! So if all eggs hatch u should get six buffs. But it doesnt even out like that all the time

My Grandma died in 1997 and it still hits home pretty hard. I think about her and miss her all of the time. My Grandpa and I chat about her a lot, which I think helps. Loss is never an easy thing.

All of my veggies got toasted in the weekend frost two weeks ago. Your peppers made it through? Impressive. I'm gonna have to buy 150 chicks from Minnie to get my plant inventory back up.

Yep, no problems. Caesar is great. He's very treat motivated and follows me around with the bucket. I think my son must dig worms and other junk up for him because he really, really likes him. Caesar still hisses at DH when he sees him and clearly doesn't like him....at all. He does this weird mouth chuckle thing like he's going to spit venom at him! But I think I told you before DH is always trying to catch and hold him just to be a jerk. I don't blame Caesar. Lol

I'm pretty sure Cleo collected everyone's eggs, so I have no idea what to expect! What an egg hoarder
Its been pretty good here. 3 years ago last Tuesday my Grandma died so its rough. My Grandpa has a tough time with it still but is doing better. He goes back to what we were doing 3 years ago this week. From bringing Grandma home with Hospice to setting up a funeral the next day. But we are all doing pretty good. Just missing her...

I did get those forms! I have them hung up on the fridge!

We forgot our tomatoes out overnight a week or so ago and they are toast. Ugh... So much work put into them... But the peppers are doing amazing!

We need more rain here. We have gotten around 1½ inches the past few days.

Sorry to hear your son had to go back in! Hopefully things settle down for u soon.

Losing loved ones is never easy and the longer you are with them, the harder it is. The older you get the more loved ones pass ahead. That is the worst part of getting older in my book. There is a part of you that goes on with them and the harder you love them the bigger the piece they take. I lost my sister, my father, my brother-in-law, mother-in-law and father-in-law either due to cancer or car accident between 2005-2010. It still makes me sad. What is happening with my son, I so badly want to talk to my mother-in-law about, she really was like my second mother.

Thank you for the encouragement about my son. He is doing better tonight. They changed his medication and hopefully he can feel better on this one and get back to doing his usual stuff real soon.

My plants are on the patio. They are getting water-logged. I hope we get some nice warmish wind after this rain and dry us out again enough to finish planting.
I have this most bizarre mystery...
I have a small batch of eggs hatching in the hatching unit. I had set some Cochin eggs a couple of days later than the others. One tray had 9 New Hampshire eggs in it, and 8 Cochin eggs. All but one of the NH eggs hatched already, so there are 8 of those in there. Mind you, as I pick up each egg, I mark what they are with the date in pencil on each before going into the next pen or to the next coop. I have two Cochin eggs that hatched overnight, but only one Cochin in the tray. I have pulled out the other trays and the bottom plastic tray that catches the poop and fluff and other debris when I don't actually have it full enough to put eggs down there to hatch too. I cannot find the second Cochin chick anywhere!!!! There is no way it could have gotten out without me opening the door that has three latches on it.
This is crazy, bizarre!!!
I have this most bizarre mystery...

I have a small batch of eggs hatching in the hatching unit.  I had set some Cochin eggs a couple of days later than the others.  One tray had 9 New Hampshire eggs in it, and 8 Cochin eggs.  All but one of the NH eggs hatched already, so there are 8 of those in there.  Mind you, as I pick up each egg, I mark what they are with the date in pencil on each before going into the next pen or to the next coop.  I have two Cochin eggs that hatched overnight, but only one Cochin in the tray.  I have pulled out the other trays and the bottom plastic tray that catches the poop and fluff and other debris when I don't actually have it full  enough to put eggs down there to hatch too.  I cannot find the second Cochin chick anywhere!!!!  There is no way it could have gotten out without me opening the door that has three latches on it. 

This is crazy, bizarre!!!

hope you find the missing mystery chick.

and hope your son't meds adjustment goes as smoothly and quickly as it can. sometimes it is painfully tricky.

almost finished preparing for the 25 red rangers coming thursday. And I need to come up with a saddle for a hen that is getting worn down by the rooster - if I don't get to it soon enough, she is going to be injured as her feathers are all broken and gone and down to bare skin.

dealing with a difficult elderly mother - wouldn't you think I would have at least a shred of patience?

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