
Unbelievable. Dogs and cats are a bigger PITA than a chicken ever will be.

And instead of cra***** on their lawn they eat bugs!

*sigh* Buggers.

You're in NE?

You got me on this.

With my pure mind it took me over 20 hours to figure out the acronym.

I first read it and thought WHAT is this tree hugger bringing PETA into here for? (You know the people that equate owning an animal to being a slave master)

Then I thought PITA the sandwich.... You really had me on this one, Grats....

PS Tree hugger is meant in a loving way here..

I have been so anti-cussing since I was reformed by my probation, I never even thought of the real meaning....MY wife told me what it meant, She still has a barnyard mind as she never went through Cussing probation like me... SO I guess in reality I never did figure it out.
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So Sadie just flushed my beloved black Australorp out of the hostas this morning. She's a stalker. She teepee creeps then flush. Yeah... That was a honey moon phase. Lucky for DH he has a dog with beautiful instincts. Not so lucky for me that I'll have to ease her into believing that the chickens can be part of our "pack". And the waterfowl and pheasants later this fall are fair game.

Wild duck recipe: cut breast in 2 x 2 pieces. Marinate in teriyaki glaze ( Costco or target) overnight. Small chunk of sweet onion and a half strip of bacon wrapped around both and held with a tooth pick. Start the grill. Cook these nummy snackables until medium rare. Watch them disappear. My husband served these up to a bunch of hunters in ND who were "sick of eating duck" and they came back for more getting some for their friends.

It is pretty good and we've literally ate all the duck and geese this way for the last couple years.

One old timer up at the coffee shop said you could wrap a turd in bacon and onion and make it taste good.

Somebody PM me the acronym translation. I haven't had enough coffee and I'm near blonde-- strawberry blonde-- but close enough.
I'm in N Minnesota over by Virgina/ Gilbert area. Where are you from
It will happen BC...

My black lab chased up two sandhill cranes from my field a couple days ago, she stalked them and chased them up with gusto, but came back and laid amongst my chicks.

While I am a big proponent of crate training and believe it is best for a dog, We have had to modify it since we moved back here from Florida. We simply do not have the room for 2 large crates in this house. We use a pet fence ( the fold up kind) to make a "crate" bed for one of the dogs. the other has a blanket folded up under a window. Which dog gets which spot mystifies us. It seems to change every few days. Last night the black dog had the blanket. She is free to roam the house at then.

We have 8 babies ( a turkey, a Creamette and 6 guineas) in a cut off cardboard barrel in the living room. ( We are really sounding redneck here). We use a sheet of OSB (plywoodish stuff) and pull across the door from the dining room to the living room at night to keep the babies save from a dog. Last night we forgot to pull the OSB across the door. This morning we found all the birds safe and sound.

While watching TV last night the white dog hung her head over the barrel and just watched the birds, she made no attempt to snap at them, and seemed bored with them after a couple minutes and came over and begged to get into my lap.

So it will happen!
Good! I'm looking for locals that may want to sell some younger chickens. I don't want to buy from a feed store again. I'm not sure if this breed gets broody too much but I'm going to try my hand and natural hatching with the girls.
Good! I'm looking for locals that may want to sell some younger chickens. I don't want to buy from a feed store again. I'm not sure if this breed gets broody too much but I'm going to try my hand and natural hatching with the girls.

Well... I am not local but I do have 3 day old chicks to get rid of... I dont onow what u want but I have some Cochins and some CochinX and WelsummerX. But your 3 hours away and I dont know if people would want to drive that far. Just thought I would let u know. I also have some started pullets and cockerels that r 10 weeks old. The majority r EE welsummer mixes. And welcome!!
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Sadie is in the same position I see my dogs most the day, head down, turned slightly, swallowing poop...

Foxy I like the black EE too, I to not have black, and something ate my white one...They are cool...

I need to win the lottery soon, so I can have a gazillion chickens..

These are from Minnie's eggs, so you could get some of your very own black EEs next spring! Both of the black ones are EEs, one also has feathered legs.

@Minniechickmama any feeling on the gender of the EEs? The one in the clover is the clean legged one, the one looking at the camera in the third photo is the feather legged one. Would a cockerel be trying to crow by now? I haven't heard a peep out of either of them yet.

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