
Well I caught the beastie red handed, and to my surprise it was not a cat, but a red tailed hawk. Woke up today to a commotion in the coop and looked outside to see the hawk pacing back and forth like he was trying to decide what to have for dinner. Thankfully the coop was closed up and the hawk couldn't do anything but window shop. I tossed a few rocks its way to chase it off, but now I need you come up with a more permanent solution, and with a hawk, shooting and trapping seem a bit out of the question. Anyone have any good ideas?
If you have crows around they will chase the hawks off. I every now and then put a pile of cracked eggs and eggs I won't sell out in a pile in our pasture and the crows will get the eggs. Feed the crows and they will chase off the hawks.
Well, I'm off to the hardware store for the biggest bird netting I can find. I realized that an old set of clothesline 'T's in my yard would make an excellent run frame for the time being.

I also called the nature center across 35w and I'm going to talk with one of their resident raptor experts tomorrow to see if they can provide further insight as to why this just started after 2 years of free ranging, and what the prospects of the hawk moving on are.
If you have crows around they will chase the hawks off. I every now and then put a pile of cracked eggs and eggs I won't sell out in a pile in our pasture and the crows will get the eggs. Feed the crows and they will chase off the hawks.

I feed the crows almost every day. Eggs, dead chicks, mice, eggs that stopped developing in the incubator . . . I like to keep them around, too.
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Here's my solution for now; 700sq ft of deer netting, 50 ft of paracord, the old laundry line poles and some tent stakes.

And a picture of Blue (same girl in my avatar pic), her long face feathers cover up most of the damage, but she's still pretty sorry looking. Little trooper even laid an egg for me today.

Also saw the hawk again today, hopefully it'll figure out the chickens are out of reach and move on to the neighborhood's rich squirrel and rabbit hunting.
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Your girls still have a good amount of space to forage in, so that is good.
It may be that the hawk is a younger one that is out on its own now and decided he likes your neighborhood.
Hi! :highfive: I'm here in the twin city are visiting family and the state fair for the next 4 weeks. I left AZ with 50# of finest organic feed from BIG SKY, so I thought. Then when my bucket was empty, I opened the crate with my feed :th I had 3 bags layer and 1 bag scratch... I took the scratch. I am looking for quality organic feed, anyone knows where I can find it. I am staying in the New Prague area , but will be going as far north as Osseo to see friends and family. I am traveling all over until June 2016 with 2 chickens.

I took this last night. They are not happy with me. I usually on the road 6 hrs max going 200 +/- miles. I was on the road much longer then that yesterday. I closed out my house, sold everything or gave to goodwill, and rented my house for at lest 2 years, but I kept a couple of my girls, Ethel and Sweetie (the Silkie). Ethel is 1/2 Cream Leg Barr a 1/2 Lemon Cuckoo Marrans. If any one could help me out please post.
in the cities there is "urban eggplant", I know they carry organic feed. it is in st paul. I'm sure there are more places...but I live up north and am not sure of other sources.
good luck
sounds like a really interesting journey!
Well, I'm off to the hardware store for the biggest bird netting I can find. I realized that an old set of clothesline 'T's in my yard would make an excellent run frame for the time being.

I also called the nature center across 35w and I'm going to talk with one of their resident raptor experts tomorrow to see if they can provide further insight as to why this just started after 2 years of free ranging, and what the prospects of the hawk moving on are.

I got my netting at an good price on line at a farm/greenhouse supply on line. It took only 2 days, they said 7 day delivery. I 300'x14'. They have different typs and all sizes. Where I had my little flock we have tge standard assortment of hawks, owls, and eagles, but in tge hawk family we ave the Hareson Hawk, they hunt in family groups, tge mated pair and usually 1 or more of the years before offspring (if more then 1 survives to grow up). Coyotes, bobcats, fox, possums, a few Racoons and I know of 1 linx. Mountain lions very rarely and I know of people that have seen bear or their tracks but Bo one,I know has lost chickens to bear. In the city and urben area's we need to lock up our Yokohama, Pheonix, and other such roosters & cockerels, they are stolen for fighting birds. To make it worse there is all to often other losses do to thier coops careless destruction in the crash and grab. Meny of us use game camera's and a variety of security methods for the 2 legged predictors.

PVC piping for net frames works nice. I use it to keep my girls out of my garden.



It is challenging to gave a garden in AZ. Summers 115*, a lot of sun burn! you need to shade your garden. My wall around my property is only average 5', so far non have flower out. With all the obstructions and their pen being covered with shade cloth, netting, and tarps they are fairly safe from the air.
I understand if you hang reflective aluminum pie tins and old CDs that spin and flash, it will confuse the hawks and they'll leave. I looked for a good reference but couldn't find one. Anyway, it might be worth a shot.

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