
I drove down to Rochester to visit my grandmother yesterday. My oldest sister was in town, she lives in South Carolina so I only see her maybe once a year. Oh and we broke the news that DW IS PREGNANT!!!!
It seems Cyrus has disappeared too. WTH

Ralphie. Why are the Turkeys going to freezer camp? Just being that big of a PITA? Thought I lost a post.

I have around 30 turkeys. About half are Toms. I only need about 7-9 turkeys for eggs next spring, I will keep based on color and size to give me the best Poults next spring.

The rest have no purpose except to grace a table for someone. They will need to go to freezer camp. I cannot afford on my measly pension to keep all them forever.

Cyrus Congrats! Do you have a large enough supply of camo Diapers yet? Are you going to teach him/her to fish bullheads? Will you teach him/her to skin or fillet the bullheads? Nail through the head or the hard way?

So much for you to think about. Grats again!
Punch Pizza rules.

if you consider "ruling" to be over priced, yucky tasting pizza..

I am not a fan of Punch Pizza, my son and his wife think they are the only place to eat pizza, I thought I had done a better job of raising him.

I have never had Pompii pizza, I will have to give it a try. Aussie where in Elk River is it, I am too lazy to google them.
I have done it and carried through on my threat. I have placed a turkey into Guinea Gulag.

Big bird was healthy and happy this morning. He spent one night in a hospital bed then 2 nights in a dog kennel, ate some probiotics and seems better. He was making those happy turkey coos this morning. I let him out did some things and saw a blue had a ahold of Big Birds Snood and was pulling it.

I gently walked over and picked up the offender and threw him in the Guinea Gulag. He will be on guinea rations and water for awhile, no fresh bugs for him. He is not happy now and crying like a baby to get out. He is serving an indefinite sentence and may or may not ever be free again.

Big bird is walking the yard in peace. Next one to bully him goes to Guinea Gulag too.
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