
I won't be running electric out to my coop this winter - any suggestions on how to keep water from freezing? I thought about riggin' up a cooler with some drinking nipples, but I really don't know if that's going to make much of a difference. I have a feeling I'll eventually give in and run a lengthy extension cord out and give the ladies a heat lamp.
agreed, if you don't have electric, rubber bowl so you can turn it over and stomp the ice out refill couple times a day.
Didn't even think about that. Great suggestion! I saw a ton of different sizes at Fleet Farm this past wknd.

If you use them, it is best to do something so they won't walk in them and get their feet wet. I did say it is best, not that I do that. I use them with whatever birds are in the open coop outside the big one.
I have this question about what to do for the ducks this winter. This is my first time ever having ducks and we are brain storming ideas on what to do for them for water this winter. The chickens I have always just used a heated waterer but ducks with make a huge icy mess and need to be able to dip their heads
I have this question about what to do for the ducks this winter. This is my first time ever having ducks and we are brain storming ideas on what to do for them for water this winter. The chickens I have always just used a heated waterer but ducks with make a huge icy mess and need to be able to dip their heads
This is why I have never been brave enough to overwinter ducks
I have this question about what to do for the ducks this winter. This is my first time ever having ducks and we are brain storming ideas on what to do for them for water this winter. The chickens I have always just used a heated waterer but ducks with make a huge icy mess and need to be able to dip their heads

@Rhetts You got any advice?
Morning all! A few things for morning coffee today...

1) sad news
barn kitten didn't make it. I am not totally surprised being the sole kitten of the litter to a young mother. I am going to stop putting out food for mama cat now. She can work on the mouse population

2) I think I surprised a hen into laying an egg this morning. I was checking in on my new Cornish this morning to make sure they are integrating and they were hiding under the roost/poop board. I peeked under and one of my rainbow hens was right there. We met face to face and she sqwaked in surprise. Next thing I know there is an egg on the floor. It was very thin shelled and cracked when it touched down, just barely strong enough for me to pick it up and carry it outside to dispose of. I didn't realize that was a real thing, scaring an egg out of them

2a) the Cornish are doing well @Minniechickmama ! Two were even on the high roost tonight (dark ones) they have yet to leave the coop but they will get there

3) I picked 27 eggs yesterday which is an all time high for us. That is technically only 46.5% efficiency but not everyone is laying age yet, most are just on the cusp. And a few are molting.

4) rode my motorcycle the 10 miles to work at 39 degrees which is a new low temp for me. Do you ride cold weather @The BlanchRanch ?

you Kawzy - 39 degrees and you are out riding. Yet - I bet it was nice coming home. I used to ride but was too much of a wuss to ride in the cold.
Okay Minnie, here are your pics of my little bundles of joy
They're 20 weeks today, I guess I'll need to stop calling them "the babies" now...

I'm actually convinced this might actually be a girl!!

This little one has become an escape artist. She jumps from the swing to the top rail of the fence and out

Wellie is such a beautiful bird!

Bucky Buckeye checking out the big girls' roost

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