
Glad not everybody here subscribes to the anti-liver propaganda!
I am not completely anti-liver. While I do not eat it nor cook it, I have been known to keep some beef liver in the freezer and when my dad visits I send it home with him with some bacon grease I just happened to have been saving at the time.
We pass on the livers but gizzards and hearts are definitely used up in this house. DH went shooting with DS at pheasant farm and brought home a bunch of gizzards and hearts. The venison hearts are kept here too. Eaten with pancakes and Canadian wild blueberry syrup....
We pass on the livers but gizzards and hearts are definitely used up in this house. DH went shooting with DS at pheasant farm and brought home a bunch of gizzards and hearts. The venison hearts are kept here too. Eaten with pancakes and Canadian wild blueberry syrup....
Deer heart is good stuff, unless its a gnarly old buck. I slice it thin and saute it. all your talk about canada, blueberries, and syrup is making me drool.
So I was reading the thread about the dog who scared off a coyote. Someone said that where they live the coyotes in packs send one or two in to grab a quick meal and scope things out. Then the whole pack comes in at some point and cleans them out killing dogs and the like. Does that sound about right to those that know yote behavior? That is almost what it seems like around here. These last few weeks no birds taken and it seems like they are running around scoping things out. Wolf and coyote. Should I expect a massacre soon? I haven't figured out why my injured turkey hasn't been taken yet and the predators have been here 2 times while he was roosting on the ground. How he didn't get eaten I will never know.
So I was reading the thread about the dog who scared off a coyote. Someone said that where they live the coyotes in packs send one or two in to grab a quick meal and scope things out. Then the whole pack comes in at some point and cleans them out killing dogs and the like. Does that sound about right to those that know yote behavior? That is almost what it seems like around here. These last few weeks no birds taken and it seems like they are running around scoping things out. Wolf and coyote. Should I expect a massacre soon? I haven't figured out why my injured turkey hasn't been taken yet and the predators have been here 2 times while he was roosting on the ground. How he didn't get eaten I will never know.
i have heard about a coyote working as 'bait' to draw a dog out while the pack circles them up and attacks. I would be surprised if what you describe happens too
So I was reading the thread about the dog who scared off a coyote. Someone said that where they live the coyotes in packs send one or two in to grab a quick meal and scope things out. Then the whole pack comes in at some point and cleans them out killing dogs and the like. Does that sound about right to those that know yote behavior? That is almost what it seems like around here. These last few weeks no birds taken and it seems like they are running around scoping things out. Wolf and coyote. Should I expect a massacre soon? I haven't figured out why my injured turkey hasn't been taken yet and the predators have been here 2 times while he was roosting on the ground. How he didn't get eaten I will never know.
Coyotes will avoid a fight with a dog until they are cornered, wolves will lure a dog out with one pack member and then ambush it. Wolves being apex predators are not really afraid of much so they will go in smash and grab style if they are hungry.
Coyotes will avoid a fight with a dog until they are cornered, wolves will lure a dog out with one pack member and then ambush it. Wolves being apex predators are not really afraid of much so they will go in smash and grab style if they are hungry.
I still think twice about letting my dogs out when i hear the yotes yabbering at night
In Wisconsin where its legal to run bears with hounds, the number of dogs being killed by wolves has gone way up! Price, Ashland, Sawyer and Bayfield counties have had a lot of wolf vs hound problems

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