
You have no idea how cheap you could get these for!

Lol. O cant house anymore roos than I already have pver the winter. O have six male poultry in my coop this winter and they are all very protective over their ladies. Especially the gander who protects and herds up all the waterfowl.
I do not have an excessive Poop problem with my CXs.

I severely restrict the feed to them. I have those movable pens/tractors. The boxes in the background, are for other birds. The taller one is for the Sussex for winter. I have a removable panel on the south side, you cannot see it) So I can reach in scrape poop and check on them if I do not see them for a few days.

The short grey one with the "tub" on the top is going into the shed that is for babies when they first go outside, I was using it for the Sussex's until the other day when I got there "new" redneck area done. It will go inside until next spring now.

The CX's are with Bert Jr in a townhouse. I have a 4x8 single story box and a 4x4 box hooked to two 6x8 runs (covered) however, I still let them out each day to free range, and I limit the feed to them. It is a guessing game on how much they need, without adding more weight to them. Poop is not a problem yet, but come spring I will be glad to move them!

I am building a taller box to replace the 4x4 of the CXs to give them a 8 inch roost and a nest box 8 inches or so off the floor.
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I think BC and LALA have the mystery of the dead grouse right. Makes the most sense.

Here is a picture of ED, and old one..

This is him today in mid molt,

He looks so skinny and shabby, but he is still the same great rooster. He found a "cracker" I am guessing grandkids dropped it, and he called the girls over instead of eating it.

I love the way roosters will give the treats to the girls! so sweet.
Thanks for the ideas gals! I didn't even think about the predator flying off with the body. That would explain why there were no bones. duh. I think I've convinced myself it was an owl and that it happened during the night while the girls were safe and snug in the coop.
I have things strategically placed around the yard for them to duck under for this very reason. The coop and run are in one corner, I've got a pallet up on cinder blocks in another, a little hoop house chicken tractor in another, and a couple of garden trailers in the other. I think they spend most of their day under the trailers, or in the hoop house if it's raining. But, I'm definitely thinking about them a lot more than normal today... Not only because of the grouse, but when I pulled in the driveway yesterday my little trouble-making EE had jumped the fence and was out all by herself! She is such a turd!! Her name has actually changed from Peanut, because she was the tiniest chick, to Trouble because if ever one of them is causing trouble it's her! But I can't stay mad at her and those cheeks

yeah, I have a troublemaker too, if I am out around the yard, sooner or later she will get out and find me.
This is for Lala, she asked for a video of the guineas on the roof of the house..

Turn up the volume for full viewing pleasure.


Oh my bleeding ears! Looks like a whitewash committee to me there, Tom Sawyer. LOL. Guineas.........Heheheheheh
Thanks!! I love the name Frosty!!
Cute name!

Minnesota Nice had the broody she was trying to graft I think.
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I posted this on the turkey thread, but I thought it was a good picture of Penguin.

My wife protects Penguin and she does not want me to sell or eat him. I think he is a horses Pttttewy

My Wife has a hard and fast rule, NO TURKEYS ON THE DECK. When she is not working she spends half her time chasing them off the deck, as soon as she knocks on the window, down they go.

I was getting my coveralls on to go back outside and this is what I saw.

Penguin did not even mind that I knocked on the window or took his picture. My DW pampered him too much because he was cute. Now she has a turkey that flaunts the rules and think he is too good to follow them. He is the only turkey on the deck.

I am going to keep this picture to show her in the hopes she lets me either send him to camp or sell him, right now he has the protection of Judy saving his skin..

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