
ok, the no snowsuit in the car.  I've had that argument with my daughter.
 I'm incredulous.  "You mean, it is -30 below and you are putting that baby in a light weight onsie? "
Amy says, well the car will be warmed up and the carseat is in the house, so it is warm.  
I say, " and when the car goes in a ditch?"  

honestly.  she was raised in minnesota.  she knows you don't go in the car in the winter if you are leaving the metro area without storm supplies, extra boots, etc.  what in the sam hill is she thinking?

Am so with you on this! If you are not going to keep them wrapped up in the car there had better be a winter emergency kit (snow boots blankets, snowsuit, bourbon) in the back.
My week has been crazy, just crazy! So as some of you may remember, we got two young Nigerian Dwarf kids in August (a doeling and her whether brother). They were born the middle of April and have been so much fun to have. We really enjoy them. This is a picture from in August. Duchess and Gonzo! I was doing chores on Monday all day, since its my day off. Around 6:30 pm I put the goats in their pen, fed the dogs, walked in the house to get some clean water for the goats (very picky about water). When I walked into the pen, Duchess was laying on the straw bleating at me, which is strange, and then I realized why - she was kidding. What???? Didn't know she was pregnant and didn't expect it because she is way, way too young. Gestation for goats are 145-150+ days. That means she was approximately 2 months old when she got pregnant. It is highly unusual, since 8 weeks is the earliest they can be fertile, but most are not. The friends that we got the goats from said that their buck and escaped into the doe pen 2x this summer for less than a day each but were flabbergasted that the tiny doeling was bred by him. Long story short, she had the baby in less than 15 minutes. Our friend came over to help me with them, since we've never had goats and I didn't know what to do (hubby was out of town, of course, too). She now has a little buckling at her side, named Walhart (or Wally). The goats are the DD for 4h, so she named him. She is feeding him, but I'm not sure if he is getting enough to eat since mom is so young and not really mature. Terrible time of year to have a little one, especially when you had no idea he was coming. It is not warm enough for him. Here are some pictures of Wally! These were taken the night he was born. He is about a foot tall. His "coat" is the sleeve of a sweatshirt to help him stay warm. Don't want him mistaken for a deer, of course.;) My week has revolved around making sure mom and son are doing well along with my work schedule, taking care of the chickens, hubbies pheasants, dogs, cats and single parenting it till yesterday. I'm exhausted and I need to get outside to get more yardwork and coop work done.
Wow, what a surprise! Congrats! And he is adorable!
Welcome to the thread and BYC!

oh no, ralphie, say it isn't so! you know walmart continually screws its employees over with breaktimes (none) and overtime (unpaid) and then finally gets slapped with a fed or state fine, which is always significantly less than what walmart would have paid the employees if it met minimum labor law. so they just clean up the act for a few weeks and then back to screwing over the workers. ANd, no, the workers aren't working there because they have so many choices elsewhere. I cant step foot in a walmart. they kind of represent evil to me. ok, not kind of. actually do.

but my partner sue shops there. takes all kinds.
I never said that Trader Joes was a good alternative. I have an inherent mistrust for company labels. It's trendy...

Walmart wages ... Sales associates make $9.32/hr. That leaves very little left for anything.
me too. if there is anyway possible to not support a multinational corporation, I'll do it. somethings you can't help - gas for the car, for example. clothing is pretty tough too. food is pretty easy. mobile phone service - can't help it.

y'all know the world would be a much better place if it operated according to my rules.

time to get back to the stove, am making soup.
Sounds like my hound, Dixie. I caught her dragging off a pumpkin while the chickens chased from a distance. She can be such a poop! I love her to bits though :) my Facebook memories page reminded me that today is the 3rd anniversary of when we first met her at the shelter and decided to adopt her (had to wait for her spay to bring her home)

Stupid dog makes off with pumpkins as well. Have given up decorating.
oh no, ralphie, say it isn't so!  you know walmart continually screws its employees over with breaktimes (none) and overtime (unpaid) and then finally gets slapped with a fed or state fine, which is always significantly less than what walmart would have paid the employees if it met minimum labor law.  so they just clean up the act for a few weeks and then back to screwing over the workers.  ANd, no, the workers aren't working there because they have so many choices elsewhere.   I cant step foot in a walmart.  they kind of represent evil to me.  ok, not kind of.  actually do.

but my partner sue shops there.  takes all kinds.  
me too.  if there is anyway possible to not support a multinational corporation, I'll do it.  somethings you can't help - gas for the car, for example.  clothing is pretty tough too.  food is pretty easy.  mobile phone service - can't help it.  

y'all know the world would be a much better place if it operated according to my rules. 

time to get back to the stove, am making soup.

Oh Lala, you are my new best friend. Someone who despises Walmart as much as I do.. *bighug*
( Don't tell Sue)
Stupid dog makes off with pumpkins as well. Have given up decorating.
Decorating? I HAD beautiful gardens. Then I thought 'I'll get chickens' Brilliant idea. Oh! And I talked the DH into the black lab we have now. Love her to pieces. She hunts well enough - chippies. And they happen to be running through the hostas. All those giganitic hosta leaves do not hold up to a 45 lb lab jumping on them to catch a chippy. Then the chickens come along and shred the leaves - I thought gardening was decorating - kind of. I have adjusted. Just ranting alittle.
Stupid dog makes off with pumpkins as well. Have given up decorating.

We hit up all our friends for pumpkins after Halloween and smashed them all over the yard! The chickens have been loving it big time and Dixie thought she deserved to help.

She is so food motivated it is verging on ridiculous! I swear that dog would crawl through barbed wire for just a few kibbles of cat food. Our running joke is that her life aspirations is to weigh 200 pounds (she is about 55)
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I want to fill my incubator up with eggs so much!! I miss the little peeping noises the chicks make!!
We hit up all our friends for pumpkins after Halloween and smashed them all over the yard! The chickens have been loving it big time and Dixie thought she deserved to help.

She is so food motivated it is verging on ridiculous! I swear that dog would crawl through barbed wire for just a few kibbles of cat food. Our running joke is that her life aspirations is to weigh 200 pounds (she is about 55)

LOL about Dixie and good idea about the pumpkin smashing.
We hit up all our friends for pumpkins after Halloween and smashed them all over the yard! The chickens have been loving it big time and Dixie thought she deserved to help.

She is so food motivated it is verging on ridiculous! I swear that dog would crawl through barbed wire for just a few kibbles of cat food. Our running joke is that her life aspirations is to weigh 200 pounds (she is about 55)

What a great idea! Not the 200 pound lab part. The pumpkin part.
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