
I'll gladly send you $ if you get me one.
Oh Scandia: I live about 120 miles from them. You just go to their website and plug in your paypal payment and "poof" they send you one.

I try not to get wrapped up in this kind of banter usually but I'm also in your side of the ring in disliking Walmart. And that isn't even because of how it treats its employees
Wally world serves it's purpose. But it's a place I wouldn't chose to be employed by. It's about choices TBH. They offer competetive prices for people on strict budgets. And living where I live we don't really have market places selling what I need from Wally-World. But Yah...they need to work on their personal image a bit....No lights or security in the parking lots this time of year gets me a bit nervous. I run with my cart to the car. Quick unload and get the H-E-Double Hockey sticks out of there. LOL. It's really scary in Walmart at Christmas time. Grrrrr.....

Whole Foods also need to be careful of their misleading labels. I saw a video. And their egg supplier is not "as advertised". So you pay the extra for the cage free....again people...need to educate themselves.

I can't get over those little kids. What a fun surprise but how do you feel about having more of them?! LOL. Goat Math!
My week has been crazy, just crazy! So as some of you may remember, we got two young Nigerian Dwarf kids in August (a doeling and her whether brother). They were born the middle of April and have been so much fun to have. We really enjoy them. This is a picture from in August. Duchess and Gonzo!

I was doing chores on Monday all day, since its my day off. Around 6:30 pm I put the goats in their pen, fed the dogs, walked in the house to get some clean water for the goats (very picky about water). When I walked into the pen, Duchess was laying on the straw bleating at me, which is strange, and then I realized why - she was kidding. What???? Didn't know she was pregnant and didn't expect it because she is way, way too young. Gestation for goats are 145-150+ days. That means she was approximately 2 months old when she got pregnant. It is highly unusual, since 8 weeks is the earliest they can be fertile, but most are not. The friends that we got the goats from said that their buck and escaped into the doe pen 2x this summer for less than a day each but were flabbergasted that the tiny doeling was bred by him. Long story short, she had the baby in less than 15 minutes. Our friend came over to help me with them, since we've never had goats and I didn't know what to do (hubby was out of town, of course, too). She now has a little buckling at her side, named Walhart (or Wally). The goats are the DD for 4h, so she named him. She is feeding him, but I'm not sure if he is getting enough to eat since mom is so young and not really mature. Terrible time of year to have a little one, especially when you had no idea he was coming. It is not warm enough for him. Here are some pictures of Wally!

These were taken the night he was born. He is about a foot tall. His "coat" is the sleeve of a sweatshirt to help him stay warm. Don't want him mistaken for a deer, of course.
My week has revolved around making sure mom and son are doing well along with my work schedule, taking care of the chickens, hubbies pheasants, dogs, cats and single parenting it till yesterday. I'm exhausted and I need to get outside to get more yardwork and coop work done.

I had no idea goats could get pregnant that early, wow! Super cute baby though!

Yuck! I washed clothes in a laundry mat most of the summer (we were living in a camper at my folk's farm over the summer, between houses, and didn't like hanging clothes on the line, Laundromat is easier, and I can't stand crunchy clothes.) I am SOOO glad to have a nice washer and dryer again.
Has anyone here brooded chicks outside this time of year? I have 10 chicks in the porch (heated 3 season) and had though about moving them to the basement soon, but know by Feb they will be half grown chickens making a huge mess. (I had chickens in the garage one year, but had hatched them later... it was a new years hatchalong that reeled me in that year.)

Anyway, I was thinking it would be easier to just move them out to the barn now? I don't have a heat lamp, I have a Premier Heating Plate. Any ideas?
I know it wasn't too smart to get them now, but I finally have my farm, so thought I would get a head start on next year. ;) LOL
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Oh Scandia:  I live about 120 miles from them.  You just go to their website and plug in your paypal payment and "poof" they send you one.  :D

Wally world serves it's purpose.  But it's a place I wouldn't chose to be employed by.  It's about choices TBH.  They offer competetive prices for people on strict budgets.  And living where I live we don't really have market places selling what I need from Wally-World.  But Yah...they need to work on their personal image a bit....No lights or security in the parking lots this time of year gets me a bit nervous. I run with my cart to the car.  Quick unload and get the H-E-Double Hockey sticks out of there.  LOL.  It's really scary in Walmart at Christmas time.   Grrrrr.....

 Whole Foods also need to be careful of their misleading labels.  I saw a video.  And their egg supplier is not "as advertised".  So you pay the extra for the cage free....again people...need to educate themselves. 

I can't get over those little kids.  What a fun surprise but how do you feel about having more of them?! LOL. Goat Math!

I'd never want to be insensitive towards folks who live in a strict budget. And sometimes that's all there is.

Whole Foods egg prices are astronomical, I was just in one this morning and my eyes popped out!
I never said that Trader Joes was a good alternative. I have an inherent mistrust for company labels. It's trendy...

Walmart wages ... Sales associates make $9.32/hr. That leaves very little left for anything.

That is entry level unskilled and often part time help. not bad. within 90 days it is over 10 and hour. My Uncle just took a greeter job at Walmart loved it. Both my kids worked at Walmart while in High School. Loved it.

Go to work for a small grocery or hardware and you will start at Minimum wage.

You are buying into some facts that aren't.

To say anything more by either of us in inappropriate for this site and against the rules. So I will not.
BTW I have been working my poor backside off on the turkey roosts. Between refereeing the turkey rooster fights. For some reason the turkeys have decided they hate one of the roosters and are acting like guineas towards it.

I came in for my break and should get back out to protect the rooster.
oh no, ralphie, say it isn't so! you know walmart continually screws its employees over with breaktimes (none) and overtime (unpaid) and then finally gets slapped with a fed or state fine, which is always significantly less than what walmart would have paid the employees if it met minimum labor law. so they just clean up the act for a few weeks and then back to screwing over the workers. ANd, no, the workers aren't working there because they have so many choices elsewhere. I cant step foot in a walmart. they kind of represent evil to me. ok, not kind of. actually do.

y'all know the world would be a much better place if it operated according to my rules.

time to get back to the stove, am making soup.

Sorry, Still like you but have to disagree,

Walmart and the multinationals while having some distasteful people in them, like the rest of society does, have done more good, providing jobs, aid and assistance to more people than all non-profits and charities. Plus providing us with needed services and supplies. Most charities would not exist without their support.

No worker is forced to work at Walmart if they think they are being screwed over they can go elsewhere. I do dispute some of what you say here about over time and fines. While it is popular to think Walmart does these things, they seldom do and they do it less than the small Ma' and Pa's do. They have deeper pockets and the fines normally include having to pay back any wages they fail to pay. There is no upside for them to break the law on these things.

I bought a business that was put out of business years ago because they failed to follow the laws. The fines and back pay broke them. Each store manager is responsible for his store, if he did this and brought a fine down on the company he would be gone in a second...

Why would I pay more for an item if I can get the identical item cheaper at Walmart? Walmart has raised the standard of living of the poor in this country more than any government program or other entity has. I will continue to shop and support them, besides I need the dividends
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Has anyone here brooded chicks outside this time of year? I have 10 chicks in the porch (heated 3 season) and had though about moving them to the basement soon, but know by Feb they will be half grown chickens making a huge mess. (I had chickens in the garage one year, but had hatched them later... it was a new years hatchalong that reeled me in that year.)

Anyway, I was thinking it would be easier to just move them out to the barn now? I don't have a heat lamp, I have a Premier Heating Plate. Any ideas?
I know it wasn't too smart to get them now, but I finally have my farm, so thought I would get a head start on next year. ;) LOL

Sleepy there are some folks on here that are hatch-a-holics.
They got the space and the ways to do it so there is no frostbit feet, and losses to cold temps. But I will tell you that I personally follow traditional times for bringing up chicks. And that is in the spring. I brood in a car garage that has insulation...but it's not in the house. Temps in the garage have ranged from 40's-70's but under a brooder lamp my chicks have flourished. And by the time they are feathered out the grass is green and the bugs are jumping and they are off learning everything there is to learn about being a chicken. I like spring. The Wild turkeys, the wild ducks and geese like spring...so I just follow their lead.

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