
Do yours eat the corn? There is some cracked corn in the mix I get at the tractor supply, but they pick around the corn and eat the other items in there. I mix the scratch with boss as well. I may have to start making scratch without corn as they just seem to waste it... could others post their scratch recipes as well?
I get the mixed bird seed and give them some of that mixed with extra boss. I just have bantams and have tried different mixes but have never got them to eat much oats (now oatmeal-that's a different story!). They were always under the bird feeders cleaning up whatever spilled so now I just feed that mix to them. I usually get the 40 lb bags at Menards whenever they are on sale.

It looks like a Mottled D'Uccle. Seramas are even smaller and more of a U shape to their body.
Seramas also don't have the feathered feet, Definitely a D'Uccle in mho.
I also have OEGB's. My sister raises Seramas, she should have some for sale but I don't know what she charges. Since the swaps were shut down for this year, she has alot of extras. Extra peafowl also if anyone is interested. http://stcloud.craigslist.org/grd/5257379617.html

My sister had alot of problems for the first few years she raised them (lots of colds and sinus problems-look ok one day, dead the next) but hasn't had any serious problems the last year or two. She raises them in an insulated coop with no heat, really no extra precautions or special treatment.

Thanks, I'll give her a ring!
I sincerely respect that you have opinions that are political and religious and social. It is my understanding that those opinions do not belong on this conversation site. I love the banter and it fills TOO much of my time. I love the information I glean about animals, and the way the day is going for you personally. Its good to share our daily routines, joys, problems. Each of us has strong feelings about different issues. And there have been times when fellow forum participates have expressed their frustration. That is different, to me, than expressing your opinion.
and here I was thinking I really needed to expand my gun knowledge as have never heard of a pin gun! you know, it is raining like the dickens And there is nothing better than coming home (that was a hellacious drive in the storm) in pouring rain and finding every chicken tucked in nicely in the coop, and every little quail on the roost. Nice! got lots of time to hold the new baby. Do you know, you aren't supposed to have a blanket with the babies anymore. My daughter, being a new mom, was worried when I popped the baby in the moses basket with a light weight little receiving blanket. She insisted I stay right next to the baby to make sure she didn't smother.
all what a precious little baby looks perfect.. And if babies aren't supposed to sleep with blankets anymore what are All of the grandmas going to do with all the crocheted blankets that are made just for them....
Politics and opinions....

For myself, I'm not interested in starting fights or demeaning opinions. It's hard sometimes to be completely neutral.

For example, the opinions on organic foods ran rampant. While I'm a strong proponent of the movement towards locally grown, pesticide free, non-GMO foods I respect everyone's opinions and bear no ill will.

I'll always own what I say and if I have a personal beef will take it off line.

You are a cool bunch of chicken addicts and I enjoy very much being here.

Me and a new member of the Scandia community.

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