
I managed to earn $47 on my $55 of free slot play. Both of my brother in laws earned about $60 on their $100 free each. It was fun to get out of town for a bit and hangout.

Haven't stepped foot in a casino since my big win in OK years ago. Can't imagine I'll ever experience that again.
Oh cluckies! I found my brackets!!!! Woot. I'm so excited to get them on the 2 x 4 and save the extra few bucks for the butterfly fasteners. But disappointed I'm still a pack rat apparently. LOL.

Hey Ralphie. Glad you got your weasel. Was it a big one an adult or was it smaller juvenile. White already? or still in it's browns? They are neat critters. But boy they can wreak some havoc.

He was kind of mottled looking. I think he was a zombie weasel. He should have been all white.

It was weird. I think something tried to get him in the trap. I had set it kind of in the open in front of a brush pile and filled it with chicken heads, (and did they stink).. When I first got to the trap, I thought some SOB had stolen my trap. It was moved about 15 ft, back under the brush a tad. I know he did not move it. Unless he had the super weasel strength a Zombie Weasel would possess,
Had a timer installed in the coop today. Definitely worth it to have the lights go on and off and in a dust protected box.

Our EE layed her first egg yesterday! A pretty blue!

I being old timer never use a dust protected box. But I have thought about it, and ignored the idea..LOL

Grats on the blue egg! I have lost so many hens I do not have my neat multi-colored eggs cartons anymore. Heck, I get so few eggs I barely have an egg carton. But it is my choice, I am not going to use lights for a while. BUT I suppose I should put them in the Creamette coop, if I want an egg in December.
Haven't stepped foot in a casino since my big win in OK years ago. Can't imagine I'll ever experience that again.

I have been in a casino not over 11 months ago, but I hate to gamble when the odds are in someone else's favor. I do go for the crab legs once a year or so. I figure they lose money on me then.
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Interesting article, I think I wonder if I can figure out a way to capitalize on it. BTW I am finding Adderall helps too.

Edited to add: Ethel is my therapy hen, She will walk up to me and cock her head sideways and "talk" quack for hours and appears to be listening the whole time too. Everyone needs a turkey like Ethel... and I happen to have some that could be sold........
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Judy helped me yesterday with the Turkey House. I really enjoy her helping, and it saved me another day of being Laurel without Hardy.

The funny thing was she spend a good portion of her day protecting "Blackie" the BA rooster from the turkeys. She has named 2 of them, Penguin, the complete Belly button and the Jersey Buff Tom, which she named Ginger. I may not allow her to ever name a turkey again, as those she names turn into Belly buttons.

Yesterday, while protecting Blackie (not a very original name for a BA, but I named it not her) she was becoming upset with the turkeys, Blackie hangs by us, he seems to have learned we will protect him from the turkeys. The sad part is Blackie would win in a fair fight with the turkeys, but they all gang up on him.

Anyways, after a few hours of chasing the turkeys away she started to notice it was Ginger and Penguin that were the ring leaders of the attacks. She even threatened them at one point.
She said, and I quote " Tina could have a turkey for thanksgiving yet, if you two do not behave"..

I almost fell off the ladder hearing her threaten her precious Penguin, If you know Judy you would know she is meek and mild and never threatens anything..
I have been in a casino  not over 11 months ago, but I hate to gamble when the odds are in someone else's favor.   I do go for the crab legs once a year or so.  I figure they lose money on me then.

I figured that was my 15 minutes of fame and quit while I was ahead. We were leaving for China in two months and the $5000 gave my credit cards some breathing room.

We ended up spending an extra night in Tokyo, which is such a cheap city to begin with, because my new and beautiful daughter spewed food all over the plane and her father hihi . They were not going to risk a sick infant over the Pacific. Can't blame them really.
What was so amusing *eye roll*, is after two hours of Tokyo traffic and an hour in a Japanese ER the doc took one look at her and told us she had a virus.
Did I mention we had to pay cash for the visit?
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