

This is a photo of me taking a break in the sun... :)
I was a Blackjack for 7 years. I'm so glad I don't have to do that any more. I usually didn't mind the game, but smelling like smoke every day when I don't smoke, some days having 7 smokers blowing their smoke right at you, the idiot players that blame you for taking their money, working every weekend and most holidays... yuck! I'm very glad I was able to quit before I had kids! I still like to go play once or twice a year though. My grandma likes going, so I go with her once in a while.

I've been a dealer and pitboss for just about 20 years now.... The place I work at put in a whole new ventilation system when it did a total remodel and added on the new wing. Smoke isn't too bad anymore. I actually like working weekends since its actually busy and I have people to BS with. I did take this weekend off to go to the MN State Pigeon Show in Hutchinson. Had a great time with a lot of old friends!
I thought the same as Ed. I am seeing some whacky out of season stuff going on like 6-7 month birds going through a full molt like the 1 1/2 year old birds, and Spring flowers blooming, trees with buds on them. I have been asking on Facebook too and others are seeing some really out of season stuff going on.
I think the crazy roller coaster weather patterns are causing some confusion for the animals and plants.
I must add, I have to disagree with Ed though on the climate change, yes, we have gone through climate changes over the millions of years the Earth has been here, but the big thing to consider is not just weather and temperatures, but the CO2 concentrations in our atmosphere, which are higher than has ever been seen. I just read an article recently about this and I forget when they said the last time CO2 levels were this high but it was before homo sapiens walked the Earth, I do remember that. Not trying to argue, just presenting my opinion. We can agree to disagree.

Not to argue, just letting you know I agree with Ed. I will not say man does not have a miniscule part of CO2 in the atmosphere, but I doubt it is enough to bring on the reaction some have, those making it a religion almost..
CO2 has been many times higher than it is now in the atmosphere, we have been warmer and colder.

Carbon Dioxide through Geologic Time

Since of the Earth's atmosphere is out-of-balance with the conditions expected from simple chemical equilibrium, it is very hard to say what precisely sets the level of the carbon dioxide content in the air throughout geologic time. While scientists are fairly certain that a 100 million years ago carbon dioxide values were many times higher than now, the exact value is in doubt. In very general terms, long-term reconstructions of atmospheric CO2 levels going back in time show that 500 million years ago atmospheric CO2 was some 20 times higher than present values. It dropped, then rose again some 200 million years ago to 4-5 times present levels--a period that saw the rise of giant fern forests--and then continued a slow decline until recent pre-industrial time

The above is from:

Most climate alarmist only go back 350,000 years or so to avoid the uncomfortable fact CO2 was higher before.
My Take, I done.

TI is in Hastings, you are thinking Diamond Joe's.
Yeppers, that was the name of it. I am not a casino person so I really do not know them well.

I don't know why more people aren't jumping on all these amazing courses and classes you are offering, your prices are SO reasonable!!!

I know, with my reasonable rates you would think I would have a waiting list for a class.
I am like some of you here, I like to play cards with friends, but I hate throwing away money, to me, I might as well sit in front of a burning garbage can and throw dollars in it as play a slot.

AND the stench of the cigarette smoke is way too much from me, besides the fact I am an anti-social person that hates crowds.
Well I shot another doe this morning. Great way to end the season.

Greedy Greedy Greedy!!


Did she just stand there 12 feet away too?

My Nephew got one last night, He was not really happy when I told him I thought it was a German shepherd when I first saw him dragging it in.... Teasing deer hunters is more fun than hunting for me now days..LOL

OH Grats Homs, where are the pictures?
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