
I am curious, how is a picture of a deer dressed out, which is food for his table that this young man provided to his family any worse or different than the dressed out turkey and chickens or even roasted ones we show on here all the time?

Not wanting to start a fight, I just don't see a difference and wish to be educated in the difference.

I can't speak for Scandia, but...my thoughts were the same as hers, wasn't looking forward to seeing dead deer pics.
Not that I don't think it was great for holms to get the deer (congrats) but I'm just a bit squeamish about dead deer pics.

Up here they post the kids and their dead deer pics in the newspaper - and I'm not sure what you mean by dressed because I don't think they are dressed out, they are usually the kid kneeling on the ground holding up the dead deer's head, eyes open, and usually some blood. I just turn the page quick. I don't think I've seen any post a pic on this thread of the chicken they just killed - or the chicken head that was just cut off.

We all come from different backgrounds. I was raised in the city, and had absolutely no experience with raising animals for food, or hunting animals for food. Seeing a deer from the car on the road was cause for great excitement. Camping and seeing deer was amazing. Getting the crap scared out of you because you surprised a deer while hiking and the deer snorted and surprised you was fantastic. Doesn't really prepare you for the dead deer strapped to the hood of a sedan!

City raised can mean total disconnect from where your food comes from, and not much understanding that your meat was once a living breathing animal with a face.

I was a vegetarian for 12 years. when I started eating meat, I had to worry about ethical practices related to raising animals for slaughter. I don't eat much meat still, mostly because I have trouble affording meat raised ethically. (I try not to think when I stop for a fast food hamburger)

when I first had chickens, I was absolutely horrified at the idea that I might have to cull a chicken. And couldn't imagine that I would ever ever raise a chicken and then EAT it.
first time I had to slaughter young roosters I had to have a friend help me, and then I couldn't bear to eat them, so gave them away.
Next time was still hard, but I could eat the chicken.
Now I am still pretty darn sad but I can slaughter a chicken and happily eat it -

I bet some of us on this thread grew up raising meat and eating it, and yeah, raised in a tradition of respectfully hunting and putting meat on the table. I bet some of us might be vegetarian. I bet some of us have never ever killed a chicken or hunted anything. I bet some of think we will never kill any animal we have raised.

Me being squeamish about dead deer isn't anything negative about holms or anyone else who hunts, its about me and my personal likes and dislikes.

So, its a thread about chickens. If we have room for holms to talk about hunting , and I think we do, then don't we have room for scandia to say, please don't post the dead deer pics?

is it time to start singing kum-ba-yah?
Darn it all....

I admit it, I don't like seeing photos of freshly shot deer. Was I disrespecting hunting tradition? No. I'm surrounded by it.

The only meat I eat is my chickens, the ones I raise and slaughter.

And my dog sleeps with me on my bed. :)
I think we as adults on here have a responsibility with the youth who are also on here, keeping them uplifted and proud of their accomplishments. Holm can surely stand his own ground ...he's proven that to us time and again. But as adults, our words have weight with them and we should be mindful not to squash good things.
I can't speak for Scandia, but...my thoughts were the same as hers, wasn't looking forward to seeing dead deer pics.
Not that I don't think it was great for holms to get the deer (congrats) but I'm just a bit squeamish about dead deer pics.

Up here they post the kids and their dead deer pics in the newspaper - and I'm not sure what you mean by dressed because I don't think they are dressed out, they are usually the kid kneeling on the ground holding up the dead deer's head, eyes open, and usually some blood. I just turn the page quick. I don't think I've seen any post a pic on this thread of the chicken they just killed - or the chicken head that was just cut off.

We all come from different backgrounds. I was raised in the city, and had absolutely no experience with raising animals for food, or hunting animals for food. Seeing a deer from the car on the road was cause for great excitement. Camping and seeing deer was amazing. Getting the crap scared out of you because you surprised a deer while hiking and the deer snorted and surprised you was fantastic. Doesn't really prepare you for the dead deer strapped to the hood of a sedan!

City raised can mean total disconnect from where your food comes from, and not much understanding that your meat was once a living breathing animal with a face.

I was a vegetarian for 12 years. when I started eating meat, I had to worry about ethical practices related to raising animals for slaughter. I don't eat much meat still, mostly because I have trouble affording meat raised ethically. (I try not to think when I stop for a fast food hamburger)

when I first had chickens, I was absolutely horrified at the idea that I might have to cull a chicken. And couldn't imagine that I would ever ever raise a chicken and then EAT it.
first time I had to slaughter young roosters I had to have a friend help me, and then I couldn't bear to eat them, so gave them away.
Next time was still hard, but I could eat the chicken.
Now I am still pretty darn sad but I can slaughter a chicken and happily eat it -

I bet some of us on this thread grew up raising meat and eating it, and yeah, raised in a tradition of respectfully hunting and putting meat on the table. I bet some of us might be vegetarian. I bet some of us have never ever killed a chicken or hunted anything. I bet some of think we will never kill any animal we have raised.

Me being squeamish about dead deer isn't anything negative about holms or anyone else who hunts, its about me and my personal likes and dislikes.

So, its a thread about chickens. If we have room for holms to talk about hunting , and I think we do, then don't we have room for scandia to say, please don't post the dead deer pics?

is it time to start singing kum-ba-yah?

Only if I don't have to hug anyone
Picked up a repeater (WiFi extender) today at hell (MOA). DH got it up and running and plugged it in, in the garage. I'll take the Hen-cam out tomorrow to see if the signal is able to reach the coop. Lets keep our fingers crossed. want to be able to see my girls when I'm away from home, or in the house, or whenever I want! From my phone no less!
That would be cool! I would have to have one outside the girls hang out in the woods most of the time.
I still have a problem with culling a bird or dispatching the Jr roosters. I have to leave that to the nephews. I think I need to join Ralphies freezer camp class next year. Does that have a section on how to sharpen an hatchet/ax?
LaLa it was really too nice of a day to be inside, however, getting ready for Thanksgiving is great! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Personally I love cooking for people. I can spend so much time planning & preparing. I usually have a schedule posted in the cupboard for what needs to be done & when. I actually like the time alone cutting & chopping.

Speaking of food, one of my favorite topics, I have a vegetarian cookbook that I love to cook from. I made the chili in it & then added the hamburger for DH. Oh man, that came out fantastic. I admit I did add some smoked paprika to it. I also made some jalapeno corn muffins. I need to find a better recipe for that. We have a wine wholesaler who does Ribfest every year for customers. He does the ribs & chicken & the rest is pot luck. There is a chef who always brings the jalapeno corn muffies that are perfect, so sweet & spicy. He doesn't share his recipe. OK I'm drooling just thinking about them. *wipe off the keyboard*

I had one of those days where anything I wanted to get done had to wait for someone to move/fix/help something else.

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