
We're housing one of our Swedish Flower gals inside for a while. She's developed acute stress disorder from repeated onslaughts from amorous roosters to the point where she's isolated herself in the coop. Now she's in the dog kennel hopefully enjoying a bit of peace while her back heals and I find a suitable sweater.
klop klop, I like Lucille with the fall leaves.  I agree that the green grass is more appealing, but photo wise, like just the hen in the pic.

I decided to use one of each :) thanks for the feedback guys!

I had to go back to photos from June to find that one of her!

Hahaha I was thinking last night and was going to suggest this, this morning :) you could do one by the compost bin, then the one with the girls behind her, would fit right in with the story... she is lovely.
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Picked up a repeater (WiFi extender) today at hell (MOA). DH got it up and running and plugged it in, in the garage. I'll take the Hen-cam out tomorrow to see if the signal is able to reach the coop.  Lets keep our fingers crossed. want to be able to see my girls when I'm away from home, or in the house, or whenever I want! From my phone no less! :weee  

That would be cool! I would have to have one outside the girls hang out in the woods most of the time. :)

Your so lucky, I can only free range mine when I'm home as we don't have much for trees. What can you do?
Wanted to add a couple of points about the Vitamin D discussion.

My doc monitors my levels because it's a fat-soluble vitamin that can cause damage if it reaches toxic levels in our bodies. Everyone metabolizes it at a different level. So a dosage that works for one many not be necessary for another.
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