
Went down to get potatoes for dinner and they are sprouting
I guess my dark cool corner isn't good enough
try troubleshooting: http://www.garden.org/foodguide/browse/veggie/potatoes_harvesting/574

I have potatoes in a pail in my kitchen that I harvested in sept. course, it is pretty cool in my house (63 right now). You have yours covered so they can't get any light, right?
ok, I got on the windpants, and the boots and the jacket and the hat and got the headlamp and checked on the silkie. Believe it or not, she was up on a roost, tucked in between two of the crabbiest oldest hens - going on 5 years I think, or maybe 6. So she must have been able to fly up about 18 inches, climb a haybale, walk a 6 foot roost, and hop over to that roost. Thank goodness!

ALl the new hens were on a roost, except for the dominque, who was roosting on top of a hay bale.

I got one pullet egg from the new girls, and one egg from my 18 hens .
They are in burlap sacks on a shelf. We have had lights on more than usual down there because of the kittens though
light makes them sprout. Maybe put some newspaper over them. Not a tarp..it would retain moisture.
They are still good to eat when they are sprouting, just sweeter. and of couse wont keep as long.
ok, I got on the windpants, and the boots and the jacket and the hat and got the headlamp and checked on the silkie.  Believe it or not, she was up on a roost, tucked in between two of the crabbiest oldest hens - going on 5 years I think, or maybe 6.  So she must have been able to fly up about 18 inches, climb a haybale, walk a 6 foot roost, and hop over to that roost.  Thank goodness!  

ALl the new hens were on a roost, except for the dominque, who was roosting on top of a hay bale.  

I got one pullet egg from the new girls, and one egg from my 18 hens .  

Lala it's still only November! If that is your get up now, what do you wear in January when we are having a 'polar vortex'?? Lol
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besides, we are supposed to have a much warmer winter than normal and not so much snow either.....which reminds me , now that the ground is frozen I better add some hay to the garlic and strawberry beds.

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