
We changed all the bedding in the coop, was time... even shooting for deep litter method. Wow, what a cold day. The humidity gauge said it was at 90% in the coop just a bit ago. Didn't want to, but I put a heat lamp in there... safely. Just figured, freezing mixed with that kind of humidity would be bad. It's at about 42 in there.
Brrrrrr! Morning all!

The coop is holding it's own although one dumb chicken tipped over the heated dog bowl full of water.

... And I have a cold (eliciting sympathy)

My former spouse flew back to Germany last night. All is at peace in the household.
I hate having waterers in the coop, and with the two chickens separated, I have 2! or will have anyway once it is light an I add the second water bowl for the second chicken.

At least the cat who has been having a severe allergic reaction is doing better today. Indoor cats with messy butt= lots of clean up.

good day for indoor projects, thats for sure.
enjoy the day everyone!
I water once a day outside the coop. The worse part is they hardly drink it!! The just eat snow!!all I know is the humidity in our coop is low and it is way above freezing. We were gone for three days in November when it was cold for hunting and just left the pop door open on the coop. Not a single egg froze.
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Here is a picture of the two Herefords that came here to pasture last August. The picture was taken yesterday. They are expected to calve soon. Was told Dec. but I am in no hurry!! Those babies can wait until the temps warm up for sure. Looks to be a few weeks based on undercarriage happenings if ya know what I mean.

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nice pic of those cows! they don't even look cold, just happy.

So cold most of the flock stayed in the coop, and are roosting in the hay. The two hens laying already had eggs in the nest so I got them before they busted open from freezing. Waters froze, such a mess.

The BO that is lame isn't doing so good, and the other one has a good appetite but is still all puffed out. I am not optimistic on either one. Physical injuries I can heal, but illness, I don't have such a good track record. As long as they are trying though, I will let them be.
We changed all the bedding in the coop, was time... even shooting for deep litter method. Wow, what a cold day. The humidity gauge said it was at 90% in the coop just a bit ago. Didn't want to, but I put a heat lamp in there... safely. Just figured, freezing mixed with that kind of humidity would be bad. It's at about 42 in there.
42 and 90%. Where do you live?

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