
tonight when i went out to do chores i saw something odd i have never seen before. A hen was on the roost right by the people door snoozing. when i walked up she woke, shook her head a little, the 'puked' some water. it was odd. I tried to pick her up to check her over and feel her crop (it looked full) but she ran and hid under the roosts where I couldnt reach and I wasnt dressed to crawl in the coop.

A quick google says that this can happen when you startle a hen. Has anyone ever seen that? I will try and nab her at lockup and feel her crop.

It has happened a few times to me when I've held them after a long drink. It's pretty gross because the water then has the density of saliva. Sounds like you just startled her =)
Socializing the 6 fluff butts my dear husband ryan comes up with a theory. The one with the most white who is also the spunkiest jumps at us and flaps it's wings ect he says to me "that one has to be a rooster" I ask why the response being "well it's already a little jack@$$" I think my runt black is a bantam... ugh tsc not cool
this morning when I was doing chores I saw one of my cats hobbling around holding up a back leg. I tracked him down and his one rear leg is swollen up like a balloon and he was leery to let me look it over. Poor guy. I haven't a clue what happened and will have to keep an eye on him. my first thought is maybe he got hit or something but he seems in good health otherwise. it isn't sticking out at any odd angle or dangling funny, so I don't think it is broken. it has been an odd few days on the farm for my animals!
this morning when I was doing chores I saw one of my cats hobbling around holding up a back leg. I tracked him down and his one rear leg is swollen up like a balloon and he was leery to let me look it over. Poor guy. I haven't a clue what happened and will have to keep an eye on him. my first thought is maybe he got hit or something but he seems in good health otherwise. it isn't sticking out at any odd angle or dangling funny, so I don't think it is broken. it has been an odd few days on the farm for my animals!

Look for bite marks and get them drained. My tom just had a week of limping around because he got scrapping and had two wounds on his front leg. I kept opening them and he kept licking and he is fine now. I have been told that their saliva has something in it that helps wounds heal when they clean them. Perhaps it is true because I didn't use anythign on his and they are all healed now just fine. But beware, it is really gross when you open the wound and that funk drains out, do it outside over the ground NOT in the house
. I had the same thing happen with a tom we had a few years back after he got into a scrap outside, I had a nasty, smelly mess to clean off the floor while I was also trying to get breakfast for my kids before school that morning.

Oh, and wrapping it in a towel good so you don't get scratched or bitten would be a good idea.
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So, this is kind of funny, but not if you are trying to hatch chick.
I have 3 pens of Dark Cornish I am trying to breed with. I had one young rooster from last year in with some pullets from last year, and those were getting bred, and sadly a bit feather worn from his breeding (I need to make time to make saddles for those girls). I have an older rooster in with the older hens, who are giving me 2-3 eggs from 4 hens every day now. I was so excited to see eggs, but those little (*#)$(&@)(%es won't let him mount them!!!! They just run away. Now my third pen is starting to lay, and they are hens and a rooster who are about a year and a half, going on two years. I am anxious to see if he is getting anything done. I asked for advice from a Cornish group I am in and was told that I should give the roosters a pen of their own and then bring the ladies to them and they will behave better. We will see, I need to get some of that moving around done this week anyway, so I will have to try that or learn how to AI chickens. It isn't that those birds can't breed, it is because those stupid hens won't let them!

Oh, and I don't think I told you all, one of my Californian does (meat rabbits) I bought last Summer, went ape crap this past weekend and broke her back and I had to cull her. I walked into the garage where the rabbits are, and she spazzed. She was always crazy, in fact, I was worried her babies would be spazzy nutjobs too. All of my other Cals have been calm and easy to handle, but she was a maniac from the first time I touched her. I should have known something like this would happen.
Luckily, I still have two bucks and two does. I am planning to keep the Cals around, but I have to get them all moved out of the garage this Spring, once the rain and wind let up around here.

You all have a good day, at least the Sun is shining some here.
Look for bite marks and get them drained.  My tom just had a week of limping around because he got scrapping and had two wounds on his front leg.  I kept opening them and he kept licking and he is fine now.  I have been told that their saliva has something in it that helps wounds heal when they clean them.  Perhaps it is true because I didn't use anythign on his and they are all healed now just fine.  But beware, it is really gross when you open the wound and that funk drains out, do it outside over the ground NOT in the house :sick .  I had the same thing happen with a tom we had a few years back after he got into a scrap outside, I had a nasty, smelly mess to clean off the floor while I was also trying to get breakfast for my kids before school that morning.

Oh, and wrapping it in a towel good so you don't get scratched or bitten would be a good idea. ;)

Will do. I was thinking a towel too as he was very owly with my just barely touching it.

My 4 cats all get along fine as litter mates but I know there are cats especially one huge tommy (probably their father) at the neighbors. Maybe he was attempting to usurp the throne over there?
So, this is kind of funny, but not if you are trying to hatch chick.

I have 3 pens of Dark Cornish I am trying to breed with.  I had one young rooster from last year in with some pullets from last year, and those were getting bred, and sadly a bit feather worn from his breeding (I need to make time to make saddles for those girls).  I have an older rooster in with the older hens, who are giving me 2-3 eggs from 4 hens every day now.  I was so excited to see eggs, but those little (*#)$(&@)(%es won't let him mount them!!!!  They just run away.  Now my third pen is starting to lay, and they are hens and a rooster who are about a year and a half, going on two years.  I am anxious to see if he is getting anything done.  I asked for advice from a Cornish group I am in and was told that I should give the roosters a pen of their own and then bring the ladies to them and they will behave better.  We will see, I need to get some of that moving around done this week anyway, so I will have to try that or learn how to AI chickens.  It isn't that those birds can't breed, it is because those stupid hens won't let them!

Oh, and I don't think I told you all, one of my Californian does (meat rabbits) I bought last Summer, went ape crap this past weekend and broke her back and I had to cull her.  I walked into the garage where the rabbits are, and she spazzed.  She was always crazy, in fact, I was worried her babies would be spazzy nutjobs too.  All of my other Cals have been calm and easy to handle, but she was a maniac from the first time I touched her.  I should have known something like this would happen.
Luckily, I still have two bucks and two does.  I am planning to keep the Cals around, but I have to get them all moved out of the garage this Spring, once the rain and wind let up around here.

You all have a good day, at least the Sun is shining some here.

It is amazing how wild a rabbit can get and injure themselves like that. We fortunately never had that bad but broken nails and torn ears sure.
Passed the neighbors place today and saw a big backhoe.looks like they tore down the rest of the barn. Seems I'll have more barn coon looking for food. Dang and I was hopeful they had moved on. Perhaps with it being so early they won't pit stop here and eat chickens. I still miss my penny chicken losing her hurt awfully And my orps I got from minnie. I swear if this is over this year. I'll be looking to diversify my coop again.
It is amazing how wild a rabbit can get and injure themselves like that. We fortunately never had that bad but broken nails and torn ears sure.

I have never had one hurt themselves like this, she was an idiot from day one though. It didn't help that there was a nest box in there since she was supposed to be bred and kindling, but obviously wasn't bred at all. I have toenails missing from catching them on the wire, but I rarely have rabbits that spook like that just from someone walking in.

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