Minor crossbeak


10 Years
Feb 15, 2009
Coastal Georgia
I just noticed today that one of my 3 1/2 week old marans has a bit of a crossbeak. I don't think it's bad and she can close her beak with only a little gap along the side. She seems to eat and drink well and hasn't fussed about it.

Do I have to worry about it getting worse or is she fine as long as she can eat and drink?
At that age, my cross break Ameraucana was already pretty bad and now at 6 weeks is even worse. Maybe if at 3.5 weeks yours isn't too bad that is a good thing!
It will get worse, but maybe she will be okay to eat out of a deep dish even as it gets worse. Mine was noticeable by 1 week, she got really bad and I had to cull her. Hope yours is okay.
Thanks! It seems like it just started recently. Her whole beak on one side looks askew. It's really odd. I'll keep a close eye on her and hopefully she'll be alright.

ours got worse as she got older. we weren't worried till we noticed that she was essentially starving. she'd frantically mash her face into the feed but she wasn't getting enough -- so much smaller than the others. we read a bunch of strategies for correcting it, found none compelling, and eventually culled her. i was sorry to lose her cause she had the coolest name (Madam Mao -- she was a brahma).

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