Minorca or White Faced Black Spanish HEN or ROO? (with updated pic)


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 12, 2011
We have 13 chickens all around 22weeks old. 3 of them are DEFINITELY roos, and the rest, as far as we know, are pullets. This one has me a little confused though. It seems like "she's" got very developed comb/wattles for a hen, but it seems like if 'she' was a 'he', he would have at least tried to crow by now... what do you think?



here's an additional "tail" picture:

here's a pic of 'her' sister for comparison:
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I can't see a clear tail shot, but if you look at google.com/images and type "black minorca hen", you will find several with combs that are as big as your chicken's... ?
I'm 99% sure that's a hen. A Minorca rooster should be crowing by now and have obvious sickle feathers.

Are the saddle feathers (just in front of the tail and behind the wing) long pointy and shiny, or rounded?
I think I'd tend to lean more toward roo... that comb and wattle are really big and red compared to "her" sister. Any chance you could get a better shot of the tail?
I agree. If you go to the Minorca page on Feathersite there is a handy side-by-side comparison. Your's appears to be a White Faced Black Spanish, not a Minorca.

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