Minorca thread!

Yes,you should breed them.At 3 or 4 months they are good eating.I breast them out (cut off the boneless breast meat,and also the drumsticks will make great soup.You may get nothing for them at the sale.
I just sold 14 of my Minorca Cockerels that I received from Sandhill. I kept one very large, tall, black male (largest of the group with the largest and whitest earlobes). What a magnificent bird! I also kept my white male who is a bit smaller than the black, but also beautiful, large and has an excellent comb. It should be interesting to watch them develop here in the next few months. I hope to weigh them and get the statistics on here.
I ended up with 7 black pullets, 5 buff pullets and 9 white pullets. The white pullets are by far the largest of the colors, followed by the black pullets, then buff. I have been surprised at the height and length of the white pullets. I will post some pictures here soon. They should be laying by the beginning to mid October. I set up a coop with the whites (only), so am keeping my fingers crossed that my white male is fertile. I hope to hatch out a large number of whites in the spring. I could always use the black rooster if needed.

My McMurray buffs are coming along well too (born 6/2013). I imagine they are from the same strain as Coveny's?
My McMurray Buff Minorcas are doing fine (lost two in the beginning) but still have 8.

They are very sweet and I love them. I haven't counted up how many cockerels I have yet (there are many chicks racing around in the yard with my adults, and it is hard to find all of them together to tally them up). My free exotic chick has turned out to be a Blue Large Fowl Cochin.
Aren't you gonna keep a rooster? They are really magnificent.

We just wanted to start out with the 8 Hen's for eggs(had to order 15 though), and the roosters are showing some fighting. I wanted to start out small and if I decided in a year or two if I wanted to breed them I could purchase some more. As for the eating, the wife only concession on getting them was that we wouldn't eat any of them. We'll see how she feels down the road, but for now they are not gonna hit the table.

I think someone mentioned that my exotic rare was a silver something, now that he's older can someone identify him for me so when I take him to the livestock auction I'll know?

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