Minorca thread!

Thanks for all the responses! I told the wife I'm naming that one Yeller, but she seems to think that's a "boy" name. That way when she gets old I can call her old Yeller. (well I think it's funny) It's good to hear the spot might go away, I hadn't read anything before about Buff Minorca pullets having specks on their tail feathers. I know you guys think the yellow came from a Leghorn, where do you think the black spots come from? It's interesting to ponder the breeding line that brought them to my door.

And yes I am proud of them, they all lived! That alone was huge for me as a first timer. They all are very alert and seem really active/healthy to me. Part of the reason I'm posting these is so you guys can help me notice an issue I might miss as a first timer to raising chickens.
I'm shamelessly bribing you with videos in hopes to use all your knowledge... but shhhh I don't want anyone to know.
All joking aside thanks for all the words of encouragement and information, I really appreciate it!
OK I looked at my chicks' tails this morning and can't find any smut.

LOL Old Yeller. At least you can tell one apart and give her a name.

My Buff Minorcas are very timid. They don't tend to come up and look me in the eye yet, compared to my Blue Andalusians. This is good, because I like a timid breed especially when the cockerels grow up.
It is not uncommon for any of the buff breeds to show (pepper) small black specks of color or (salt) white,or even (smoke) blue..It is a color defect and not an indication of crossing or mixed ancestry. There are also recessive traits that can be carried for generations hidden,yellow legs is one such.Type (breed shape) is most important,then size,vigor,color,etc.etc.If you have an old or new Standard of Perfection check out the section ,cutting for defects and also the scale of points.
Yes the standard of perfection is a book that has been in print and updated regularly for the past 150 years.It tells you what the ideal shape ,color and size is for each recognized breed,and there are many.It has illustrations and is what every breeder and judge is supposed to go by in the US.I cannot believe more people do not have a copy,it would answer many of the questions that are regularly asked on forums.
Strange that they are so skittish. Since you got them from day 1 of their lives. Here I can make real lab chickens of them when I have them from day one.
SanderB- great looking birds!

Nice flat backs, to me it seems, on your blue Minorca F2s...but I am no expert.

Is that the only difference between the Blue Andalusians and the Blue Minorcas? The flat back of the Minorca?

I have Blue Andalusians too (5 of them).
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here is one for $59

Is the Minorca in there? I don't know.

Yes, the Minorca is in there. Like Dan said this book has been in publication and regularly updated since 1873, every recognized breed and variety is listed in this book with detailed descriptions as to weight, type and color. This book is a must for any serious breeder of poultry, my library consists of editions back to the 1950's up to the most current 2010 edition.

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