Minorca thread!

Here are some of the minorcas I showed this year.

This hen got champion Mediterranean at safford show.


This hen got reserve Mediterranean at the safford show and BB at the Tucson show.








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German Minorca bantam, he has a nice Body, but the earlobs are too small. The white Minorca Bantam are very rare in Germany.

Best regards from Switzerland.
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They appear pure Minorca.However the comb is really large on this female too. No the wattles do not have to be dubbed but they are probably very long as it often goes along with huge combs.However big wattles can freeze if they drag in the water and then freeze in cold temps.,they can swell like golf balls and fill with fluid,needing draining.They can also get injured easy. The comb is often thick ,even if not inflamed. Usually a duller pair of dubbing shears is used to cut and crush the comb,as a sharp razor bladed cutter will cause more bleeding. It should be warm when dubbing and some sterile powder applied to help clot and reduce bleeding,cold seems to aggravate bleeding but bleeding to death is very ,very rare.The bird needs to be confined by himself for a week or more.

Dan, thank you very much (and apologies for not replying sooner although I did read your message - thank you!).

We have almost treated the wound (it is drying and kind of shrinking, but with a black rim between the old and healthy flesh, not sure why), but the comb seems to have taken this curved position where it lies on his eye all the time. Tried to use some tape and plastic to keep it up but it is really rigid now, it can be straightened but not enough support from anywhere to keep it vertical on his head. We have therefore decided to have him dubbed, fingers crossed, he is booked for end of this week with our veterinarian. (We will probably keep the wattles because we do not have sub-zero temperatures here in Malta so they won't have a chance to freeze) Will let you know how it all goes, and THANK YOU once again for the help and information.
I also wanted to say about the character of Minorcas - our roo Aleandro and three girls Evita, Carmen and Nera come from different breeders (two from one and two from another) and apart from one girl, the other two and the roo are simply amazing in character - very people-oriented, follow us/come to us to be petted/hugged/kissed/what not, I love them so much.
Three breeders have white Minorca. With Rose comb there in the white just a breeder and in the black even a Breeder. Black Bantam Minorca breeders are many in Germany.

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