Minorca thread!

Yeah Yeah, rub it in. Sorry, blonde moment. LOL
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I have seen some pics of your Black/Buff crosses in the past and know what you speak of about the coloration. I was wondering how they are looking now? What generation are you into the project? I think I have seen up to F2...... Have you been able to return to solid Buff color yet or proper egg color?
I like many others would probably say I have never seen "Good" Buff Minorcas that had the same stature and look as the Blacks.
Making some progress. I am on the third generation now. Below are 2010 hatch birds.

My original cross was Black X Buff and Buff X Black, which resulted in more or less Black males with Red hackle and saddle and dull Black females with some buff in the hackle and chest. Last year one of the breedings I did was to cross them together. At hatch I culled anything that was Black or looked like the parents did as chicks which was black with a red face. I kept the ones that were red or showed wild type striping. This first male is one that I kept. Very large, good head, good lobes, legs and thigh still too short, but definite progress. He'll be bred to a couple pure Buff females and then to a couple of pullets that are out of crosses. I need to keep the size and type going while gradually moving back to pure Buff.

The females in this picture are essentially full sisters to the male above. They all have slate undercolor and light blue legs. The male in the photo is actually a Buff Leghorn X White Minorca cross and I've hatched around 30 chicks from this pen this year. I am getting some solid Buff chicks and some with striping. I'll cull as they age and show what they are really going to look like from a color perspective but the male is very large and excellent color. More leghorn type than Minorca, but the females should counter that. I am getting almost 100% white legs from this breeding and all of these pullets lay nice big White eggs.

This male is from a Pure Buff X Buff/Black cross mating. White legs, better leg and thigh, decent size, very dark in color, but showing some length of Back. Comb is very large, but it is very well set on his head. He'll be used for breeding this year. I plan to breed him to a couple pure Buff hens that I have.

This pullet is also from a Pure Buff X Buff/Black cross mating. Very good size. Great top color, but carries some slate undercolor. White legs. Pretty good back length, but carries her tail just a tad too high, especially when nervous, which she was in these pics. Going in the breeding pen this weekend and will be bred to a pure buff cock bird.

I think I am making some progress. I should have closer to overall Buff birds this year. Time will tell how they are as far as size and type.
WOW! Thanks for all the pictures and information Tom. It looks like you are making some real good progress. With those all buff females and that last male bird that is predominantly red it looks like you could have some real size and color in those Buff Minorcas in a generation or two at the most. I like those buff females that have a little black on their back and tails that are with the half minorca/half leghorn male.......just to my untrained eye it looks like they have some great Minorca female type. Great work and keep working at it, it looks like you are on the right track.
Bad news.
The thermometer in my bator was reading almost 10 degrees off the entire time. It had be accurate for all my other hatchings. I think the egg from my recently passed away chicken is dead. They were supposed to hatch yesterday so last night I took a flashlight to them to find that there was a lot of light shining thru. I did see movement in my minorca egg but the figure inside looks very odd. I didn't see any movement in the other two. I am so bummed! To top that off, my barred rock chicken is acting sick and one of my roosters is limping. UGH! I need some better luck sent my way.

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