MIRACLE~~~LA-200 Dosage AND VetRx for CRD treatment


Barred Rooster

7 Years
Feb 21, 2012
After hours of searching for the proper dosage for LA-200 a week ago, I have finally found an answer! After talking to a Auburn University Poultry Science professor I have found the TRUE dosage for LA-200 to treat gasping, gurgling, congestion, and other symptoms of CRD. Use .20 CC per pound (5lb chicken = 1CC). Inject into breast approx 1/4 inch deep ONCE. Do not inject another dose until day 3! This is a broad spectrum antibiotic that does not begin to dissipate until day 3. On day one, two, and three rub VetRx onto their combs and nostrils and addone ounce of VetRx to one gallon of their water which has to be "faucet hot" to be able to mix with the water. On day three give another dose of LA-200 according to the dosage above and do not give anymore! On days three thru six use the VetRx as used above both topically and in their water supply. Also during this time, put a heat lamp on them and keep them out of the wind. By day seven you should have healthy chickens. This worked miracles for mine who were deathly sick and lying on their sides wth CRD and I did not lose a single one! Follow these instructions precisely and IT WILL WORK FOR YOU!
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Just wondering about your birds' problem. Did you have it diagnosed or did you deduce the diagnosis from symptoms? This isn't a challenge. I don't like going to the doctor for myself nor for my birds. Do you know if it is just in remission or if it is actually gone? I breed my birds and am quite upset at the moment because this thing has been hanging on for years, sounds like what you describe, and it is always passed to the chicks. I would so love to be able to breed clean birds this year and have clean chicks that don't rattle. That's why I am wondering about the age that you can give this stuff to... if you know? Its so horribly contagious but not a severe threat to their health until something really stresses them... like cold!
Had it diagnosed. They will never get rid of it. It is CRD. Once they have it they will be a carrier for life and pass it to all birds that they are with and through their eggs. There is no cure, only treatment. It has been a problem for decades for flock owners. Read up on CRD - Chronic Respiratory Disease. It is not harmful to humans.
That is good if someone decides to treat rather than cull. Breeders and long time chicken keepers would cull, of course. Just want to be 100% sure that people understand that this is not a cure. They will remain carriers. Thanks for the information, though. That antibiotic is a very good one, as verified by my own state vet in a phone conversation (not about CRD, however, but still...).
Thank you, good info. Do you have links to any papers or just a phone call.

The dosage you listed is 4 times higher then the labeled dosage -- but that is listed for cattle. I also think it is used every day for cattle, so that brings it back closer to the same dosage over three days.

Thanks for the info.
Actually it is not 4 times the dosage on the label. The label says 4.5 ml (1ml = 1cc) per 100lbs of body weight for cattle. Antibiotics are used the same for many different types of farm animals. It does not have to be specifically for chickens, pigs, goats, cattle, etc. This dosage is 1/4 of the recommended cattle dosage for one days usage. You also only use this twice and not consecutively for 10 days as you would with cattle. I have researched the proper dosage for LS-200 all over the internet and come back with 20 different answers. This professor is my Great Uncle so there is no document links. He has been a Poultry Science professor for 20+ years and this was his recommendation to me after diagnosing my chickens. He is state certified and a plethora of knowledge. This post is to help the common flock owner alleviate their stress as well as the stress to their flock. I was advised, I administered, and it worked. Take it for what this is. A post on Backyard Chickens, that is an educated treatment for CRD, by someone who had success! You can take and use the advice or not, it's your choice. :)
You are correct. 4.5cc/100 lb cattle. I was actually using the 0.5cc/10 lb swine. (I stated cattle in error)

I decided to use swine because it was closer to chicken size then a cow. The label also says "At the first signs of pneumonia or pinkeye*, administer a single dose of Liquamycin LA-200 subcutaneously accordingly to the following weight categories." and "See package insert for dosing instructions for other indicated diseases and full product info." I would have to dig out the insert for see when longer doses are used.

Anyway, .5cc/10lb is .05cc/lb or 0.25 for a 5 pound bird.

You listed 1.0cc for a 5 pound bird for CRD and repeat on day 3. (Your report and experience is very much appreciated.)

When I used LA-200, I used the labeled dosage for 3 days in a row for Coryza. While it helped, It did not knock back the illness. I then used 5 days of Gallimycin 100 Injectable at the labeled dosage per weight. I also used a LA-200 nasal wash. I had a good experience with that.

Your input that LA-200 is slow to release and thus only needed every other day is very useful. A 4 day treatment and only two syringes are needed. Less time less equipment. Win-win. Thank you. (and your uncle)

From de-wormers to antibiotics, few usable treatments are labeled for chickens. I only went back to the label, not to challenge you, but to help setup and understanding between the label for cattle/swine and best usage for chickens.

I'm a fan of Oxytetracycline (LA-200) because of this paper, "Oxytetracycline Transfer into Chicken Egg Yolk or Albumen" http://ps.fass.org/content/78/3/343.full.pdf. The paper discusses a 5 day treatment of Oxytetracycline in feed for 5 days. In the study, carry over of the drug was only found in eggs from 2 out of 10 hens and then only on the 5th day of treatment. No traces were found after one day of withdrawal.

A published paper from Auburn would be great -- but we must take what we can get. I do appreciate your report and may use such treatment for CRD at my own risk.

Yoke thanks Barred Rooster for the very useful information.
I'am presently using these instructions for an Old Hen(aprox. 9YO). I don't know for sure yet if its going to work but I notice the rattle/sneezing is 95% better on day 3. However, her breath is stagnated(like asthma). She has also gone from eating small amts. of cracked corn to nothing but the bits of grass,chopped steamed Brussel sprouts,& snap peas I'm giving her so I have resorted to some force feeding. I'm using a 1/4 tsp & carefully forcing Meat Bird with Kelp bits. She won't drink either so I'm carefully placing an Enema bottle down the throat & forcing some Vitamin Electrolyte water. I feel the right thing would have been to eliminate her but I just couldn't do it without a fight. I'm assuming with even the initial minimum sneezing she has passed it on. I noticed another Hen sneeze a couple times so I put the rest of the flock on the Tetracycline drench with a tad of vitamins added to the water. I will follow up in a week to share whether or not all of this works.
T.C. , Lucci M.A.
Well its definitely CRD. I have noticed 2 others affected. Follow up on my last post. I treated the Older Hen who initially showed symptoms by using the above instructions with one change. On the in between day I gave 2-3ml. & based that on how much "I" thought would leave her system on the off day. In the past I have noticed that when you treat a bacteria or Virus with multiple drugs the strain builds resistance. Being that she had this for awhile,had treated with Sulfamethoaxine ,Tylan & added in the age factor I decided to go this route. Then 2 days after the last dose I gave another .5cc.
She stopped sneezing, wetness ceased,& breathing became more stable-normal. However, I noticed the crackling was still present & the breaths were not as full. Her eating almost ceased during treatment & she wanted lots of greens. I also mixed meat bird in with Yogurt & forced electrolyte Vitamin water via a enema bottle carefully placed in back of throat. Her eating resumed somewhat but only eating the small stuff (cracked corn,seed,&a bit of crumble/meat bird. It has been aprox. 1 week since last dose & last night noticed a few sneezes & a cluttered sound to her cluck. Today I noticed more sneezing & food consumption has dropped. It seems pretty obvious TO ME there is perm. damage to the Lungs & coupled with the age factor I feel confident the symptoms are progressing. She has been inside for 3 weeks now. Unless it gets Warm quick I think I will have to put her down which is something I have NEVER done. I went ahead & gave her a 1cc dose today but I think I'm just buying time & regretting what I know I should do to slow down the transfer. The sneezing is what passes it on just as in humans. I'm sure sharing feed doesn't help. I'm Truly exhausted! I have "3" Hens inside,recovering Rooster in the Barn(warmer & out of night air ) & the rest in the coop. What I find is the BIGGEST Shocker is I have another Older hen in the same room(9YO barred rock) & initially I did NOT know this was contagious since no one else had shown symptoms(over 2-3 Mos!). She luckily has not shown any signs. I think with the combo of being Fat & that she likes her Vitamin Electrolyte Vitamin water this has helped. IN ADDITION I'm giving EVERYONE Thorovin (Kelp for chickens) & ironic she eats the most of it.
As far as the other two I have treated. The YOUNG Rooster(Brahma 7lbs gave 1.2cc seems to be doing ok so far but it hasn't been enough lapse time. The initial Hen had this before he was introduced so I know it wasn't him. With the other Hen who is a 7YO Barred Rock she also is following the same eating pattern as the other with the exception of NOT eating a bunch of Greens.
I also gave her .5cc a day after the last dose of the 2nd dose of 1cc. Its been 3 days & her eating hasn't changed. There is no present sneezing,fluid in nasal,& breathing seems norm BUT noticed some watery eyes this morn. I hope its just a fluke!
I WOULD say these instructions ARE worth a try BUT I would consider(especially with older flock) that a Day or 2 after the last dose you might consider 1-2 Follow up injections Especially if you have treated with other drugs prior. Medically speaking IN SHORT a bacteria/virus becomes stronger the more drugs you trow at it. Even though this is a Chronic Disease I assume this treatment is to snuff out symptoms & kill the Bacteria that becomes rampid. Just more food for thought. I use plastic tubs & wipe the inside rim with Bleach solution during the sneezing in addition to removing some(if not all) the bedding every couple of days along with washing water bowls/food bowls with anti-bacterial soap. I personally don't want to regret later I didn't do what I could. What really boggles me is how "1" Hen got this when there was NO new flock. MY Only thought is that it came from a cube of pressed straw I got that had some Mold in the middle. Even though I removed it maybe it transferred. The only other thought is if a Bird flew into the yard that had it (can all birds get this?). This all started LAST March-April 2011 & at that time I treated with the Sulfamethoaxzine & I thought it worked but NOW looking back I realize it was the warm temps that followed that made the symptoms go away. When I tried it this Winter ahe was great after a week of treating using the Enema bottle(morn. & night) she started eating REALLY GOOD ,etc. but after a week off resorted back & THIS is when the Sneezing started(no sneezing prior to this). Well DEFINITELY enough said! I just wanted to share my experience with this Disease/the instructions above. T. C. & God Bless! Luciana, Medical Asst.

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