Miracle the Chicken

Will she still lay blue eggs?

We found out why Mir's so small. She's a bantam. According to their site, she's a bantam Aracauna. Which means she's an Easter Egger. LOL. What is her color called anyways?

Ella shows Mir how to dustbathe... Ella isn't very good at choosing where to bathe.

And another of Mir. With a bowtie.
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Oh yes; Easter Eggers are can lay green, blue, pink or brown eggs, but usually green/blue. I think EE make better pets than Ameraucana's :) Mir is sooo cute with a bowtie ;D
Awesome! Mir is an amazing pet. My Light Brahma went from being sweet to running and screaming from me. Ever since we added Mir... And it seems as if Ella is trying to be Mir's mother... LOL. Mir sleeps under Ella, and they're almost the same size.
Awww....EE are so sweet, aren't they? As I said, she looks just like mine, Bedazzle :) How old are she and Ella?

Here's a picture of Bedazzle :)

Miracle has been very happy the last few days. Instead of the old sand bedding, Miracle's human put wood shavings in the coop. Oh, how happy that little chicken was. She ran around, bathed, rolled, and slept in it. At first, Miracle wasn't so sure about the whole fluffy part. She cautiously stepped inside, inspecting it thoroughly, before wandering back outside to Ella. At dusk, her human opened up the coop door to lock them in for the night and what does she find? Miracle and Ella cuddled up in the corner, covered in a thick blanket of shavings with their heads poking out. Sadly, they got up before a picture could be taken. Ever since, Miracle has loved the bedding. Her favorite thing to do is pile it all up into the waterer and fill her feeder with it, then peep-cluck so loud that her human must come out and scrape the shavings off the top of the waterer and feeder.

Tonight, Miracle got to do her favorite thing... help her human fill up the feeders and waterers. Miracle sat on her humans shoulder, then ate out of her feeder as her human filled it up. Then, she drank out of the waterer as they walked back to the coops. She even helped move the owl... even though she's extremely afraid of it. When they put the feeder in the big girls coop, they knocked it over and spilled it all over outside their coop. It was the Great Feed Spillage of October 2012. The chickens all helped clean it up, then helped refill the feeder. Miracle just sat there watching in fear of being pecked by the big girls. Miracle even got to wear her favorite sweater (this is an older picture, but same sweater)-

All in all, it's been a good day for Miracle.

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