Mis Pollitos...incredible update! What kind of roos are these, lol??


9 Years
Sep 30, 2010
Seller had received 8-10 week roos of the same "laying hens" we purchased last week. What the heck are they? He still thinks they are Rhode Line...No new chicks available for me to exchange with. He said to check back manana...maybe Wednesday or Thursday now...uh, huh.



No, no he wasn't selling them as hens but roos. He said my chicks have a father that looks like them. Sorry about the misunderstanding. Thank you for your input on what they may be.
Gee, I may have been better off attaching this to my original thread, so sorry. Maybe a mod could merge it.

here's pictures of what my chicks look like and the seller is telling me they have a father that looks like these roos. He claims they are Rhode Island.
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Whatever they are the're lovely! Totally different from the chicks in the other thread, or at least what I thought they'd turn out to be. X_X I've been following that thread, so what are you going to do with all of them!?
yesterday, I exchanged the "crazy head" chick, that has mostly a light color face, for another chick w/a smaller spot on it's head in hopes for a girl. Just in case they are not a black link sex chick and maybe a cuckoo maran. The seller doesn't know what he's selling, we don't think. I'm persistent so he's trying to come up with answers. I think there are at least 2-3 males if not all and I'm hoping for a few hens from this ordeal. I don't think there's any way my chicks will end up looking like these roosters which he said could also starting fighting soon. Now it's the waiting game. I have no other choice. I'll drive by everyday for the next few days to see if he's gotten some new chicks but am not holding my breath over it.

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