Mis Pollitos


9 Years
Sep 30, 2010
Hola! I'm so excited to have purchased my first 5 chicks yesterday!!! But I need some help identifying what they are? Also trying to figure out if they're boys or girls! It's amazing what you can find online in just a few moments but being that I'm not sure, I thought I'd ask you wonderful people for some help!!

My family and I live in the wonderful area of Mexico where the climate is probably zone 11. I'm new to homesteading and just planted my first official vegetable garden. Which led me to organic chicken fertilizer and wanting my own laying hens.

My husband happened to notice these darlings as he drove by to our insurance office yesterday. Here in Mexico, sometimes, we'll be told whatever they think you want to hear. So it is unclear as to how old the chicks are. We were told about 3 weeks. Anyway, I'll post a couple of pictures and let you experts have a looksee. I'm so excited!!! I love them already!
If they are black sex link chickens (I am not an expert) then it looks like you have a mess of roosters there. If they all have a white dot on their heads then they are all boys.
They kind of look like Barred Rock chicks.... maybe crossed with something else tho

No idea on the sex, they may be a little young to tell yet.

Keep posting pics as they grow
We live near Guadalajara.

Whew, I'm glad someone else thought they looked like barred rocks too. That's what I thought yesterday but I haven't seen all the different breeds out there to know for sure. In fact, I didn't know the names of any chickens except Rhode Island Red, fryer, broil, asada, soup, or crispy fried:lol: until yesterday! The seller told us they would either be all black or red! I thought it was pretty obvious that there were no red chickens coming from that bunch, lol I was thinking that maybe the fella with all the dots and yellowish on it's head was going to be a male.

They all seem to have a little blackish tint on the front of their legs...but it's slight. There are a couple with paler legs than the others. Not sure if they just got more sun than the rest;)

I appreciate all the input!
OH WOW! I just googled black sex link!!! YIKES! They do look the same! Now it makes sense what he said about black or red! hmm, guess we may have been chumps! Great! 5 roosters!
Bienvenido mis pollitos.

No te puedo ayudar a identificar tus pollos pero si sin gallos tendras para caldo.
You can buy gallinas at the mercado, just ask around. In mexico theyr prefer them live. You have to has a peronal and trusting relationship with your seller or know about chicekns because they will sell you a viejita as a pollita.
That is true, becareful, if you live in guadalajara, Im sure theres a bunch of rural areas where you can get Hens.
Oh y por sierto Bienvenido!!!!!

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