Missed the Easter hatchalong, anyone else setting 4/10?


Up Northerner
13 Years
Mar 26, 2011
Upper Peninsula Michigan
Due to travel and time restrictions my eggs did not make it into the bator until today - anyone else setting today or so?

I have a mixed group -

Silkie/Swedish Flower Hen cross
Cream Legbars
CL/brown egg layers (Olive Eggers) - Delawares, Sussex, and Basques
Swedish Flower Hens from 2 sources
Jubilee Orpingtons

Still waiting on a batch of Arkansas blue eggers that are taking the long way via the USPS
I just set eggs in the incubator today too! Looking forward to an April 1st hatch for my dozen Blue Double Laced Barnevelders! These eggs are from my own birds and I've been having really good fertility rates lately.

I'm going to be getting half a dozen Silkie eggs next week to add as well, I wonder if we'll get our shipped eggs the same day, lol.

I am setting tomorrow! I have a mixed group too! Silkies from Bobbi Porto and I got something from her that I am really really REALLY excited about!

Lemon, Jubilee, Buff, Crele, and Imported Buff orpinton eggs! Setting tomorrow at 2:30 :)
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I just started up the incubator today, more eggs are showing up today (so they will go on tomorrow) one more set of eggs is in the mail, be here hopefully on Saturday, and then one other person is supposed to send me a set, but those aren't yet mailed.

This is not my first hatch, but my first SHIPPED EGGS! I had read all of the warning etc. etc. and KNEW what I was getting into. But it is heartbreaking to see all of the smushed eggs.

The first set, out of 24 eggs, two were only a bit cracked (sealed with beeswax) and 13 were solid. I did have to put many of them briefly in water and wipe off, since some were covered in egg yolk, and I KNOW that is a big no no. But I thought being coated in egg yolk would certainly equal bacterial infection. I don't know.

The packaging was BEAUTIFUL, double boxed, eggs individually bubble wrapped etc. etc. also, the box looked perfect, not mushed or smashed or ANY exterior damage. It was odd really, that any were broken. The only thing that I can think is that they tossed it ever so gently out of a second story window. :rolleyes:

Anyway, the first set are/were Dominiques, from a very nice breeder. Pretty birds with small wattles.
I have several times sworn off shipped eggs, but here I am again - I guess hope springs eternal. It is so disturbing when the eggs appear perfect, but just do not make it to hatching. I was able to pick up the Jubilee and some of the SFH eggs from jlynette here on BYC on my way home on Sunday. And some of them are my own eggs, so we shall see if the boys are doing their job.
I have several times sworn off shipped eggs, but here I am again - I guess hope springs eternal.  It is so disturbing when the eggs appear perfect, but just do not make it to hatching.  I was able to pick up the Jubilee and some of the SFH eggs from jlynette here on BYC on my way home on Sunday.  And some of them are my own eggs, so we shall see if the boys are doing their job.

That is actually lots of the problems that I have with my life... False hope. :rolleyes:

Unfortunately, I don't have any local eggs that I have access to, that I want to set. But, at least this year I shelled out for a GOOD incubator. All of last year's hatch was a perpetual battle with the blankety blank old incubator. So, this year, I expect the incubator to be perfect (and so far it has been) and I will have to cry and tear my hair out over the eggs.
Oh, me! Me! We're working on renovating a house and hope to move in next month, so while we could have made the Easter hatch, we decided that a May Day hatch would be better for us to manage brooding chicks. This will be our third spring hatching, but it's like starting with a whole new incubator. Last year we added an automatic turner to our styrofoam 'bator. This year, we added a fan kit. My only concern is that the incubator is in the new house and we're still in the old one. But even if it were in the same house as us, our hours have changed and we wouldn't be able to obsessively check the incubator the way we usually do anyway.

And for the first time we filled the turner (41 eggs)! We have 3 buckeye roosters with a mixed laying flock (7 buckeye hens, 3 EE, 1 Ameraucana, 2 speckled sussex, 2 brown leghorns, 1 welsummer, 1 silver laced wyandotte, and 1 marans/barred rock black sex link). So we're looking at having a bunch of buckeyes and buckeye mutts running around once these eggs hatch. Most of them will be sent to freezer camp this fall, but my husband has a friend who's looking to get a few backyard hens for eggs, so some of the pullets will be going on to lay eggs for a nice lady.
@AinaWGSD So exciting! I think Buckeyes are marvelous, but then I am switching to only tiny combs this year. I also love warm colors... Need something to break up all the snowy white

I had a horrid incubator last year (that I have used for years actually), but last year it simply would not behave! So, I have a brand spanking new incubator set up, and it has been holding temps perfectly, even in my 50F house! Love it!

And, I am very excited! So excited that I could pop! The first shipped eggs that came yesterday, had 9 mashed and gooey, but the shipped eggs that arrived today were PERFECT! Every single one, was perfect! AND, the guy I ordered from put in an extra DOZEN! :th :clap

Soooooooo happy right now!

I have one more set of eggs in the mail, and maybe one more that will get shipped, so I am going to have a slightly staggered hatch, a bit tricky... Never done staggered or shipped, so we shall see how that goes.

Oh... Eggs, the first set are very nice Dominique, from a great breeder, so I hope I get at least a trio to hatch out :fl luckily he sold them to me at a bargain price, very nice man.

The second set of eggs that arrived in such great condition, and with an entire dozen extra are rose comb dark brown leghorn, also from a great breeder. His dark brown leghorns are gorgeous AND productive, so I am super excited, with three dozen perfect eggs, even shipped ones, I should get a decent number to hatch.

The ones in the mail are off of ebay, so totally up in the air as to if they are going to be as pretty as the pictures of the adults that were posted, partridge Wyandotte bantams.

The last eggs that I am hoping to get are also bantams, Ameraucana, but they haven't been paid for or shipped, so who knows if they will work out. :confused:
My last batch of shipped eggs arrived today and went into the bator - upright for the first few days. 13 Arkansas blue egg layers, along with (extras) 2 self-blue Cochin and 3 bantam barred Rocks. hate to get to hopeful, but - fingers crossed!

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