Due to travel and time restrictions my eggs did not make it into the bator until today - anyone else setting today or so?
I have a mixed group -
Silkie/Swedish Flower Hen cross
Cream Legbars
CL/brown egg layers (Olive Eggers) - Delawares, Sussex, and Basques
Swedish Flower Hens from 2 sources
Jubilee Orpingtons
Still waiting on a batch of Arkansas blue eggers that are taking the long way via the USPS
I have a mixed group -
Silkie/Swedish Flower Hen cross
Cream Legbars
CL/brown egg layers (Olive Eggers) - Delawares, Sussex, and Basques
Swedish Flower Hens from 2 sources
Jubilee Orpingtons
Still waiting on a batch of Arkansas blue eggers that are taking the long way via the USPS