Misshapen Eggs

My older Amberlink who is 3 or 4 years old now has been laying eggs with a thick ring around them. It almost looks like a calcium deposit. She isn;'t stressed and seem overall healthy. Is she laying these eggs due to her age?
Hello there -

This typically means the egg cracked or was damaged inside the hen, and repaired itself.

It isn't uncommon for this to happen on a one off, but if it is something that is continuously happening, it can mean the hen is unduly stressed during her laying process. We find more of these when we add new members to the flock, change the nesting pads, or if there was some kind of general disturbance, like a predator attack to the general flock.

In this case, is there anything going on that may cause her extra stress?

Also, she is coming to the end of her prime production. This may also have something to do with it, but I am not certain.

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