Missing/broken feathers


In the Brooder
Jun 8, 2020
First time chicken owner here. 2 of my barred rocks have missing feathers at the top of their wings and base of their tales. Some look plucked and others look broken off at base. They are 7 months old and have never molted...I thought that may be it. But I don't see new feathers growing in. Luckily the skin doesn't look infected (irritated yes), I'm worried about the other hens pecking at the exposed skin. Is it possible maybe that the rooster is being too rough with them? The one I posted pics of below is his favorite hen.

I'm worried about these spots in the winter, I'm in NY so it gets between 9-25 degrees at night here this time of year. I don't want them to get frostbite. Any ideas how I should treat them?

I've been giving them extra protein, I heard that helps them grow back new feathers. They are acting normally, not lethargic or even in too much pain. They don't freak out when I move the feathers aside to look.

Any suggestions would be helpful! I've been reading some of the threads and I just can't decide what's causing it. Thank you in advance!


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It may be rooster damage, or it may be the result of feather pecking/plucking. Can you separate the rooster from the flock for a bit ? Then if the condition worsens you will know that it is feather pecking.
It may be rooster damage, or it may be the result of feather pecking/plucking. Can you separate the rooster from the flock for a bit ? Then if the condition worsens you will know that it is feather pecking.
Thanks for your reply. I'm afraid to separate him at night because I don't want him getting cold. I could probably put him in a separate area during the day. Although I feel like he would crow all day if I did that and we are in a neighborhood :/ Worth a try though. Do you know if there is anything I can do to treat the hens with missing feathers?

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