Missing/broken feathers


9 Years
Apr 4, 2010
2-3 of my 15 hens have missing/broken feathers at the top of their backs right at the tail. Skin is red and irritated. No scabs or bleeding, no bugs or mites seen, no rooster. Do chickens have a "pecking order" and is that is what is going on? If it is, is there something we can do to stop or improve the situation and to heal these areas on this couple of chickens? If not, any idea what the problem is? Thanks to all in advance!!
its happeneing to my buff opringon girl , on her back the feathers are broken in half and the sking is red , i think it could be molting im not sure thats what im guessing about mine.
No mites or parasites of any kind or any kind of bug eggs, dirt, etc.?????? Vent areas are clean-feathers fluffy everywhere else except on the backs????
i have posted the same question. some say mice. however, i don't think that would be the case.
mine seem like they have been cut.
thougth about a molt, but they still have 1/2 their feathers at the tail. so strange.
it looks they the tail feathers have been broken in two.

no roosters.
It could be the other hens being overcrowded and pecking each other. all of you might have a pecking problem or maybe its molting.
i'm not really sure but hope that helps
I have an EE like that. Right at the base of her back where the body meets the beginning of the tail. Looks like someone cut them and she's left with the downy soft feathering showing. No roo either. All her coop mates are little bantam hens and they are never pecking at each other that I've seen. Mystery.
my americana blue hen does'nt have a tail but she lost some of her tail feathers when she was young and it was from the fellow chicks. but visit my page to see my hen if it's like your hen's tails.
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