Missing chick?


Apr 1, 2021
Shawnee, Kansas
Yesterday I discovered that one of my broody silkies hatched their first-ever chick. Then the next day I found the silkie in the run without the chick and that was the first bad sign. Then I checked the nesting boxes to see if it was there or if my broody Orpington had it. I found nothing. I checked the coop for the body but found nothing. It was a day old and I also found a trail of feathers close to my coop but those were not my chickens but the neighbor's chickens that sometimes wander to my yard. Any guesses will help.
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I also have a disappearing chicken....
I have 3 baby chicks and due to some crazy weather, their brooding box got ruined. I had to move them to the big coop so they could be dry and cozy on their own. I went to check on them this evening and one is missing! I'm talking, just disappeared.... no trace. And no way out of that coop....any ideas?
Hmm that is difficult one could be rats or snakes they can get in coops anywhere. If you have anything on the ground near the coop. I once had a feed on the floor when I started keeping birds and I lifted it up one day and found a couple of mice running out under the feed we’re they were living the chickens later ate them.

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