Missing Chicken - No feathers or trace


10 Years
May 3, 2009
Our Barred Rock "Chocolate" finally laid her first egg today. It was about 10:00 am and after leaving the chicken house to be with the other chickens (6 other girls and a banti rooster) she was free ranging in our back yard. Last seen about 4:00 with the other chickens (still free ranging). When we went out about 4:30 to lock the door to the chicken run and coop because it was getting dark, we could not find Chocolate. Looked and looked but nothing. No feathers, no trace nothing. Any ideas of what might have happened?
We did notice a hawk about a week ago, but the chickens usually head for cover and are quite cautious. No feathers around or no trace.....

We are very sad, especially our 6 year old daughter and 10 year old son.

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