missing chicken


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 2, 2010
the pen my brother had built for my 2 chickens is a lil too small.. it was something built for temporary using materials we had here.

Anyways, since it was such a nice day, and I was home, I thought I'd let them free-range abit. They mostly hung out in the shed (? you'd think they'd want to go enjoy the grass)

I went out to put them back in their pen/coop for the nite. I could only find one. He was nested on the seat of the lawn tractor. They've kept close to each other all day, but I couldnt find the second one. I tried calling out and listening for some clucking.

Im hoping my other chicken is just hiding in the shed or somewhere really well. We do have a storm rolling in, but wouldnt they want to be close to each other? They ussually are huddled together at nite.
Oh wow! I know how distressing that can be for you. Normally chickens that have been reared together do tend to stay not so far away from each other.

Here's hoping you find yours safe and sound.
I no! I am so sorry you are having to go thru this. When they are raised together, they will usually stay close to each other. I am hopefully she will show back up in the morning
Oh no!! I hope you found it!

I lost five of my seven today. I about had a heart attack. I ended up finding them deep in the woods. I think a hawk flew over and two ran towards the house and the other five ran into the woods, b/c the two were hiding in their lean-to that I put up for them so they can hide from hawks. I ended up having to carry the two into the woods b/c my alpha roo was one of them and he leads the flock everywhere so I was afraid the rest wouldn't find their way home without him. They are all safe and sound in their coop tonight, though, thankfully!
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I guess Ill have to wait. I looked around the house and shed as best as I could, but didnt see any sign of the chicken. This is the first time I let them free range tho, so they dont have any usual hiding spots yet.

I found it odd that they werent close to each other.

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