
:tongue That's what I'm trying to do, you troglodyte! In school, we wrote "English" at the top of our lesson, and on paper our language looks like English. But when watching an English movie, I need subtitles, I can barely understand a word. Canadian English and Australian English are similar. The same basic language, but different in many ways. I always wanted to write "American" at the top of my paper, not "English."
It would be easier just to call it American wouldn't it. I think that is the point I'm trying to make. I think, as mentioned above, Spanish has similar problems. Most speak Spanish where I live, but it isn't the same Spanish as the South Americans (large generalisation there) speak.
Films are difficult. Many have regional accents and of course jokes, or even plots that require more than a passing cultural knowledge.
It would be easier just to call it American wouldn't it. I think that is the point I'm trying to make. I think, as mentioned above, Spanish has similar problems. Most speak Spanish where I live, but it isn't the same Spanish as the South Americans (large generalisation there) speak.
Films are difficult. Many have regional accents and of course jokes, or even plots that require more than a passing cultural knowledge.
I'm just glad she didn't reference Star Trek with a "T" word.... *The Trouble with Tribbles* ring a similar humour bell with any of y'all?

That wasn't me that referenced Star Trek. Although if I were going to, it would be TNG. What a crew! Picard, Data, Worf, Troi, Beverly, Geordi, Riker ... did I miss anybody? Oh, Guinan, of course!
That wasn't me that referenced Star Trek. Although if I were going to, it would be TNG. What a crew! Picard, Data, Worf, Troi, Beverly, Geordi, Riker ... did I miss anybody? Oh, Guinan, of course!
I love this refreshing g33kieness. Your correct but, the "T word" you did use caused my brain to recall a slightly similarly amusing "T word".... Thank you dear one. Even TNG had a part of an episode that paid omage to the troublesome *Tribbles*..... (Snickers)

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