
I finally got my phone to automatically change F to D when I type DUCK, instead of vice versa. :lau

When I was a little kid my evil sister started me on an alphabet rhyming game. When she started my on the word duck, I ended up getting slapped by my aunt. :rant Pair of evil B's with the same name.
And if they are only selling one, its a moron, right?

correct is MARANS - singular or plural!
(in an effort to make this somewhat educational/helpful! lol)
IDK but could be worse.
Lucky they're trying to sell black copper morons and not just blacks morons.
I make plenty of errors myself between autocorrect and trying to use the tiny keyboard on my phone.
Mostly I just don't proofread 😝 so I try not to be too hard on people.
The error I see here on byc a LOT that drives me bananas is Peking for Pekin 🙄

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